Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mahatma Unplugged

A few days back when I was thinking of who can be the face of India, who is a representative of the Nation, only one name kept coming in my mind- Mahatma Gandhi. Today, it’s the death anniversary of the Great Leader so I decided to post about him.

To be frank, I’m not a Gandhian. I also don’t follow Gandhigiri. In fact, on many issues I have views contradicting to that of the Mahatma. Still I admire him. There is something about Mahatma that is fascinating- something that makes us all think.

Gandhi was a mass-leader of India. How could a person reach to the remotest part of the country in the times when TV was not there, Radio was nearly inexistent and people were not so literate to read the Newspapers? Reaching out to the commonest of the common, that’s where the secret of ‘Gandhism’ lies.

He supported industrialization, but also stressed on the need to look after villages- to make them self-sufficient. If at least 1/10th of the people had acted on it, there would have been no big problems due to urbanization and poverty.

Truly there’s so much to explore about his charismatic character and this exploration is a mesmerizing one.

Mahatma too made some mistakes. And biggest of them was when he indulged into politics. He was a great person and a great philosopher and thinker of the world, but was not as great a politician.

He was a “Mahatma” (Great Soul) yet he too was human.

Like every great thing of great people, their mistakes are great and so they face great punishment. But we have no right to blame them, because we are not great.

And in my honest of the opinion I believe that Gandhiji got the punishment for it.
And the punishment didn’t stop at the assassination.
He believed in non-violence, but his own followers became violent after his death.
He believed in forgiveness but his own killer was sentenced to death.
And it didn’t stop there either. Mahatma was assassinated and is being assassinated everyday. His photo-frames are hanged to the wall in several offices and through it he is forced to witness all the corruption. He is present on the currency and is forced to witness all the black-dealings.

Corus for TATA and Indian Industry Sings a song!

Finally, It has happened. It has happened once again and it’s made us all proud again…
Another Indian company has succeeded to takeover a European giant.
After Mittal Steel, it’s the turn of the TATA Group
After months-long rounds of bidding finally TATA Steel managed to beat Brazilian firm CSN in the race for Corus
This achievement is even more special as it coincides with centenary celebrations of Indian Steel Industry. Over the years, the group has earned credibility and the graceful leader of the Companies- Ratan Tata showed all patience in this deal that took the group and the industry and Economy of the country to a new height- Signs of India going Global in real sense…
Heartiest Congratulations..

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Shining Success which remained unseen

Munich International Air gun Competition:
A good performance by Indian shooters again…

On the first day of the International Air Gun Competition (Munich, Germany) Zakhir Khan has won a gold in the Jr. men's 10m air pistol event. Amanpreet Singh won the bronze in the same event. While Amit Kumar Pilaniya stood sixth.

On day two, Amit Kumar Pilaniya has won silver in Jr. men's 10m air pistol 2nd match. Amanpreet Singh won a Bronze in this event and Zakhir Khan stood fourth.
On Day three, Gagan Narang won silver in men's 10m air rifle event- 2nd Match. He has beaten Matthew Emmons of USA in the shoot off for the silver medal.

Suma Shirur, who finished fifth in the firs match, came to win a Bronze in second match of the women's 10m air rifle event.
Anjali Bhagwat finished 19th, Tejaswani Sawant 30th while Avneet Kaur Sidhu finished 58th.

It’s a moment of glory for India and sadly, it’s not been noticed well by the media. We have performed remarkably well in Munich and these are just snapshots of that success. While there are a lots and lots of hours being spent on so called “News” about Ash-Abhishek, and things like that. Why there is no News about it? I guess it’s because there is no “footage” of it. I just have to imagine what might have happened there… Congrats to the Team.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The King Rules

Roger Won!!!!!!!!

It’s not a surprise that Roger Federer won. Now it’s become a routine. But still every match of him is different. And today, it was slightly difficult, much convincing and really really very special one…

The Match was really A Match and I’m so happy that I could manage to see the telecast live, I’m so so happy that it produced a fight and I’m so so so Happy that Roger Won. Fenna gave a very tough time for Roger in the first set before goind down 6-4, 6-1, 6-4

Roger sacked 10th Grand Slam Title of his career with an Australian Open victory over Fernando Gonzalez, The Hot Chilean- My another favourite. I’m sure when he returns home, he’ll have huge crowds waiting to welcome him, he’s a star over there- winner of the only Gold Olympic Gold Medal for his country. Gonzo along with his partner… won Doubles Gold in Tennis at Athens.

With this win, the same old question will be raised again- Is Roger’s dominance killing the spirit of the game?

NO. It’s Not, certainly. In fact I feel myself to be fortunate enough to live in an era when he’s doing so well. He’s doing so well and it’s not because he has no opponents. Of course, he has very strong opponents. And they do make him struggle to win- like Fenna did it today. It’s sheer greatness of Roger that he has reached to a level so far away from the reach of even Rafeal Nadal- the World No. 2 That’s because of nothing but the fact that all the others are not as consistent as Roger and as fit as Roger. The reason why fenna lost today was also because of his low level of fitness- low as compared to Roger. And also all the others cannot have all the weapons in their armour. Rger has them all and he has shown it from time to time.

And I don’t think Tennis will ever be boring, not till Roger is their in full form and not till records are their and not till he breaks them all.
And this will be more interesting hereafter as I feel his real best is still to come. He’s just in the middle of his career and so we have a feast of Tennis left… So Enjoy!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

India Poised

I have joined the “India Poised” campaign. I logged on and got printout of my badge.
The campaign now has an Anthem of its own.
The Anthem- “Phalak Pakad Ke Utho” is prepared by my favourite Music Trio, Shankar- Ehsaan- Loy. It’s written by …. And Shankar Mahadevan is the Singer. It’s truly an inspiring one. You must listen it at least once.

By the Way, CNN-IBN has also launched a similar campaign and I’ll soon participate in it. (The site is taking too much time to open now...)

Serena Won:

Wow! What a match it was! Just great! Serena Williams has beaten Maria Sharapova in straight sets to win the Aussie Open!!!

I just watched the match and I’m glad that Serena won. And she won it fabulously. As Vijay Amritraj said, she played it like Federer and Gonzalez combined…
When she won the last point, the usual ‘Celebrations Williams-Style’ started. She has dedicated her victory to her deceased sister who was killed I think two years ago.
Serena really deserved the win. Unfortunately, Maria who’ll be the New World No. 1 coming Monday, couldn’t produce a fight and although she tried her best, the final scores were a disappointing result for her. Serena just crushed her.

With this win, Serena took a giant leap to the top 20 group from World no. 81. She is now World No. 14.

Serena will be visiting India soon to participate in a WTA Event in Bangalooru. And I can’t wait for the tournament to start… I’m becoming a fan of Serena.

Friday, January 26, 2007

In Search of A Republic...

57 Years ago, India became a Republic. A Democracy named India finally came into existance...

57 Years after, we are still in search of the True Republic. And are still searching the Democracy...

There are children who are dying out of hunger in the poverty strucked areas...

There are students without proper knowledge of anything...

There are problems in every area. But there are solutions everywhere. We just need to find them out. This is a journey and not an achievement..


Ferando Gonzalez, the Hot Chillien, has reached the Final of the Aussie Open. And while doing so, he produced only 3 unforced errors. Fenna, who killed the hopes of giants like Hewit and Nadal to reach the semis, has beaten Germany’s Tommy Hass and will take on Top Seed and World Number on Roger Federer on Sunday’s Mega Final.
OH! It’s going to be a tough one. For Fenna and For Roger as well and it’s going to be toughest for me- I like BOTH of them.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Republican Day!

In about a few minuits time, the Clock on my PC will say, "It's January 26th, 2007"

And I'll cheer as loudly as I can at this hour-(well that'll be in a low voice-)-

"Happy Republic Day!"

Roger Rules-over Roddick

Crouds have jam-packed the Stands... Andy Roddick is all set to turn the tide ... Roger Federer enters the court and the same Story continues... 6-4, 6-0, 6-2.

Top Seed Roger Federer has beaten Andy Roddic in straight sets to enter the Final of Australian Open 2007. He equaled the all-time record of consecutive major final appearances held by Australian Jack Crawford since 1934 :) He is now one win away from winning his 10th grand slam title.

Roddick has won only one of the 13 encounters between the Two. Interestingly, he had said it yesterday that it wasn't statistics that held the key in the match-up at the Australian open semi-final.

However, he couldn't prevent Federer who increased his winning Streak against Roddick have said "I'm shocked at it myself".
It's Maria v/s Serena
Once again the two are up against each other, this time in Aussie Open. Serena Williams overcame Nicol Vaidisova while Maria Sharapova has beaten Kim Clijsters to set this Battle. Actually My Dream Final AO-07 was Vaidisova v/s Kim. But, never mind. :D


Indian films are making a mark at the international stage and latest of the bunch is Deepa Mehta's "Water". The Film has made it to the Oscar Nomination for Best Foreign Film catagory. Well, this entry is not as an Indian film but a Canadian one.
Although it's set in Varanasi, the Film was shot in Sri Lanka. Earlier it was scheduled to be shot in Varanasi in 2000, but following the Protests from Self declared "Hindu Cultural police" Mehta had to stop filming. She then struggled for years to make the film and finally shot it with a new Cast and Crew in Sri Lanka.
Set in 1938, the Film is based on lives of widows living in Ashrams (Asylums) in Varanasi and the miseries they faced. The Situation is not too changed even today.
As a woman herself, Deepa's efforts and determination stand out, in making the film.
With "Water", Deepa Mehta has completed the Element triology- "Fire" (1996) and "Earth" (1998) and "Water" (2005)- all based on Indian backdrop and all featuring women in lead role.
I wish all the Best to "Water" for a Oscar Success...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sania Out of AO Mahesh Continues to grow stronger.

So after a very impressive start of the New Year, the Party ended too soon for Sania Mirza.
She is out of the Australian Open- from Doubles as well as Mixed Doubles.
The 20-year-old Indian and her partner Anabel Medina Garriques lost in three sets to sixth seeds Ai Sugiyama and Daniela Hantuchova 7-6, 6-7, 6-2 in the women's doubles.
In her Opening Mixed doubles Match, Sania and her partner France's Fabrice Santoro were beaten by second seeds Mark Knowles of Bahamas and Australia's Rennae Stubbs 7-6, 1-6, 10-7
I think she needs to be a little more consistant and rest will follow. What do you say?
Well at the End of the Day, there's something to cheer...
India's Mahesh Bhupathi and his Czech partner Radek Stepanek advanced into the quarterfinals of the men's doubles. They defeated the seventh-seeded Israeli pair of Jonathan Erlich and Andy Ram 7-6, 4-6, 6-3.
In spite of not committing even a single unforced error, Elrich and Ram were broken during the match at crucial junctures and were finally defeated by the unseeded Indo-Czech duo in just less than two hours.Bhupathi and stepanek will next face second seeds Jonas Bjorkman and Max Mirnyi in the quarterfinals

From India to the Moon via the Bay of Bengal.…

An ambitious India is seeing a dream for some time now- The Dream to reach to the Moon... and today, we walked one step ahead on the way to the Moon with the successful recovery of SRE. The Space Capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE) after performing experiments in the Space, returned to the Earth and is successfully recovered in the Bay of Bengal.

I wish to congratulate all Indians on this occasion. And my Best of Luck to the Scientist Friends- May you soon prepare the “Chandrayaan-1” and then say “Oh Moon, you are not far from our reach now… “

It’s a moment of Glory for India... And I’m proud of it…
It’s a dream nearing reality and I can’t wait to see it come true...

But while we are reaching such new heights, one question still leaps up in my mind, is it necessary? Are we rich enough to spend huge money on such dreams? Is it fine to try to decode the space when there are several problems lying ahead of us on the Earth?
I am not confused. Yes. Yes it is required. It’s something we must pay our attention to. We may not be wealthy like some other countries, but we dream big and we toil hard to fulfill those dreams- whatever odds we may be forced to face in the process. A prosperous India must be a powerful one and a powerful India must believe in peace and welfare of humanity, not only in the country but in the whole World. And I believe we are capable of doing it. Just to make us more accomplished, we need to make a mark in the space as well. I’m sure we can make it…..

Once again my heartiest Congrats to all and…. Moon, we are coming…!!!

From India to the Moon via the Bay of Bengal.…

An ambitious India is seeing a dream for some time now- The Dream to reach to the Moon... and today, we walked one step ahead on the way to the Moon with the successful recovery of SRE. The Space Capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE) after performing experiments in the Space, returned to the Earth and is successfully recovered in the Bay of Bengal.

I wish to congratulate all Indians on this occasion. And my Best of Luck to the Scientist Friends- May you soon prepare the “Chandrayaan-1” and then say “Oh Moon, you are not far from our reach now… “

It’s a moment of Glory for India... And I’m proud of it…
It’s a dream nearing reality and I can’t wait to see it come true...

But while we are reaching such new heights, one question still leaps up in my mind, is it necessary? Are we rich enough to spend huge money on such dreams? Is it fine to try to decode the space when there are several problems lying ahead of us on the Earth?
I am not confused. Yes. Yes it is required. It’s something we must pay our attention to. We may not be wealthy like some other countries, but we dream big and we toil hard to fulfill those dreams- whatever odds we may be forced to face in the process. A prosperous India must be a powerful one and a powerful India must believe in peace and welfare of humanity, not only in the country but in the whole World. And I believe we are capable of doing it. Just to make us more accomplished, we need to make a mark in the space as well. I’m sure we can make it…..

Once again my heartiest Congrats to all and…. Moon, we are coming…!!!

Finally, a victory agian!

So it's back to the place where it started all a year back. And this time the results are too Happy... India beats West Indies in the first ODI in Nagpur and all the Team played well ;)

I won't say anything else as I couldn't get to see the match, or at least Highlights, due to the raw between Nimbus and DoorDarshan. So sad!

A comment on Roger's match today...

I just read this article:
Federer wins ugly
Without producing anywhere near his best tennis, world No.1
Roger Federer dispatched 14th seed Novak Djokovic 6-2 7-5 6-3 on centre court at
Melbourne Park to reach the quarter finals.
After closing out the first set in typical fashion, Federer
seemingly became distracted, making uncharacteristic unforced errors and
relinquishing the momentum to his young opponent.
At a set and a break up, Federer was careless, spiking a high
ball into the net giving Djokovic the break back.
The set was evenly poised at 6-5 before Federer turned it on
to secure the break and the set.
The respite from the Federer A-game was brief for the 19
year-old-Serb as the Swiss master regained his composure to close the third out
in just 36 minutes.
Federer made 23 unforced errors for the match and while he
still managed the cruise to victory, he will need to be at his best when he
faces number seven seed Tommy Robredo in the quarter finals.
I think the Tennis Fraternity knows it well but we can not expect all journalists to be equally clever. They are there to report and not to give opinions, that's the job of the Experts (I mean really expert Experts)

Let whatever a few mediamasters say, Most of the people agree that Roger is a Great Player in Great Form, He doesn't need to proove it all the time, although he does it everytime with his inborne genius. Saying that Roger won it "ugly", means dishonouring the Talent of the youngesters and for that matter, many other opponents of Roger.
It's something like this: Roddic (or Nadal or Safin or....) is a good player of caliber, but he would have been a great one if it's not The Roger Era. This Man, Roger is of so high quality that he really makes all look less good. Agreed, Roger was slightly sluggish during first round.

Agreed, he himself has reached a level that's not easy to achieve for others even for himself sometimes. Not all days and all wins are of equal even for Roger.

And My question to all those (Journalists ) whoe still doubt Roger's form, Do you still think a straight victory is an ugly performance?

Oh, Please, Please, Please Don't forget, Champions win even when they are not at their Best and Roger is a True Champion. So stop 'worrying' about him in that manner.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mumbai Marathon 2007

So Mumbai Marathon was flagged off today.
And here are the results:

Winner of the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2007: The 42.195 km race
John Kelai of Kenya finished the race in first place in 2:12.28 hours
followed by Ethiopians Gashaw Melese with a time of 2:12.33
and Tariku Jufar with a time of 2:12:50

Video Link:

Friday, January 19, 2007

Run, Mumbai Run!

I want to tell you about a race, which has grown up into something more than a Sport. Mumbai Marathon.
The Mumbai Marathon is an annual international event. It is held on a January Sunday since 2004 and has attracted over four thousand Athelets in three short years.
Last year, over 27,500 people participated and the number will increase to 30,000 this time.
Race Categories:
Marathon (42.195 km)
Half Marathon (21.097 km)
Dream Run (7 km)
Senior Citizens' Run (5 km)
The Wheelchair Event (3.5 km)
The prize money
The fastest runners in Men's= $30,000
the fastest Indian citizen in each of these categories=$2,000
The Mumbai Marathon, especially the Dream Run, is a "Run for A Cause".
So at the same time you have lots of Celebrities - from Filmstars to Models, from Sportspersons to Politicians- along with common people running in the Streets of the City of Mumbai. And there are thousands of spectators on the roadsides cheering for the participants. That's what makes it so special.
The Mumbai Marathon is part of "The Greatest Race on Earth", sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank. The other three legs of this four-marathon race are the Singapore Marathon, the Nairobi Marathon and the Hong Kong Marathon.So be there on the this Sunday, January 21st, 2007
BTW, Mumbai Marathon means something special for me. I have worked as an Event Executive for MM2005 and also got a Silver Medal as a momento.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A comment Australian Open!

Roger Federer, Andy Roddick, Amelie Mauresmo and Serena Williams all posted straight-set victories on Wednesday to advance to the third round of the Australian Open, serving notice they're rounding into form after some opening-match nerves and glitches.

But luck was not on his side for Crowd-favourite Marcos Baghdatis, finalist here last yea. He was defeated by Frenchman Gael Monfils, who won 7-6 (5), 6-2, 2-6, 6-0.

Earlier, top-ranked Roger Federer defeated Jonas Bjorkman of Sweden 6-2, 6-3, 6-2.

Sixth-seeded Roddick beat Marc Gicquel of France, 6-3, 7-6 (4), 6-4 he'l face 2005 Australian Open champion Marat Safin.
Safin benefited from a rain break to rally from a set down to oust Dudi Sela of Israel 6-3, 5-7, 4-6, 7-6 (4), 6-0 in a match with 20 service breaks.

So both Roger and Safin have had very entertaining clashes.
I am not gonna forget today's matches. I enjoyed them so much!

I was actually doing some other stuff and then my brother came to my room and screamed: "You wanna miss it?, it's a great battle going on over there." He's a great Safin fan (and even I like him) Thanks bro!

Serena Williams celebrated a 7-6 (4), 6-2 win over Luxembourg's Anne Kremer.

Other Results: courtesy: NDTV

Thailand's Danai Udomchoke upset No. 24 Juan Carlos Ferrero to oust the former world No 1. A former Australian Open champion also tumbled, with 2002 winner Thomas Johansson losing to No. 16 David Ferrer.Veteran Australian Wayne Arthurs beat American qualifier Zach Fleishman, who had his hair dyed in red, white and blue stripes. Other men's winners included No 7 Tommy Robredo, No 9 Mario Ancic, No 18 Richard Gasquet, No 20 Radek Stepanek and No 22 Dominik Hrbaty.Among those advancing on the women's side were former US Open champion Svetlana Kuznetsova, the No 3 seed, along with Petrova, No 7 Elena Dementieva, No 8 Patty Schnyder, No 9 Dinara Safina, No 10 Nicole Vaidisova, No 11 Jelena Jankovic, No 15 Daniela Hantuchova.Three seeded women lost: Lucie Safarova beat No 14 Francesca Schiavone, Victoria Azarenko downed No 18 Marion Bartoli and Anastasiya Yakimova ousted No 23 Ai Sugiyama.

An NDTV Story: Tsunami kidney racket busted in Chennai

Tsunami kidney racket busted in Chennai

Another Day another place another Cheating and Curruption...

Well, what's happening to this country?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

AO:Sania through to the Round two

"Well, I feel a lot fitter, I'm moving lot better.
Probably my serve obviously is the weakest point in my game right now but
it's not exactly a weakness, but it is not a strength.
So it is just a matter of consolidating on that playing.
I guess playing some quality games against some quality players,"

-Sania Mirza.

Sania Mirza started her Australian Open Dream with a straight set victory over Olga Savchuk of Ukrain.
Sania defeated Olga 6-3, 7-5

In other major mathces:

Top-seeded Maria Sharapova got over the heat, the cramps and her own mistakes to enter the Round Two. She beat Camille Pin 6-3, 4-6, 9-7.

Third-seeded Kim Clijsters to beat Vasilisa Bardina 6-0, 6-0 rout. Bardina won only two points on her own serve.

Sixth-seeded Martina Hingis, had a 6-0, 6-2 win over Nathalie Dechy on the second show court.

13th-seeded Ana Ivanovic advanced with a 6-2, 6-0 win over Vania King.

Second-ranked Rafael Nadal bt. American Robert Kendrick 7-6 (6), 6-3, 6-2. He played on Center Court with Roof on.

Eighth-seeded David Nalbandian advanced to next round as Janko Tipsarevic retired with heat exhaustion in the fifth set, final scores were 6-7 (5), 4-6, 7-6 (2), 6-0, 2-1.

Robby Ginepri advanced in five sets over Spain's Nicolas Almagro, seeded 32nd.

No. 13 Tomas Berdych beat South Korea's Lee Hyung-taik 6-1, 6-2, 6-2.

No. 31 Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland beat Kevin Kim in four.

Monday, January 15, 2007

AO: Roger Through to the Second Round

Top seed Roger Federer, began his 2007 Grand Slam Journey in a great fashion beating German Bjorn Phau 7-5, 6-0, 6-4 and clouded away all the doubts raised after his Saturday defeat to Andy Roddic. (Who raised the doubts BTW?)

After a patchy start in the first set, the Swiss Maestro managed to keep his nerves. In the Second set, Federer put a bagel on an edgy Bjorn and won the third set to register a straight win.

Andy Roddick too, advanced to the next round beating French wild-card Jo-Wilfred Tsonga in the marathon opening tiebreaker and rallying from 2-5 in the second set to win 6-7 (18), 7-6 (2), 6-3, 6-3.

In women's, Amelie Mauresmo started her title defense with a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Shenay Perry.

Other important results are as follows. (Courtsy: NDTV)

Seventh-seeded Elena Dementieva of Russia advanced 6-1, 6-2 over Stephanie
Foretz of France.
No. 16 Shahar Peer, No 20 Tatiana Golovin and No 26 Maria Kirilenko also
advanced to the Second Rounds

No 18 Richard Gasquet, the 2002 world junior champion, won his first match
in four trips to the Australian Open, advancing 6-4, 6-4, 6-2 over Italian
Filippo Volandri.
Ninth-seeded Ancic beat Japan's Go Soeda 6-4, 6-3, 6-2.

Spaniards Juan Carlos Ferrero and Guillermo Garcia-Lopez progressed to the
second round as well. Former top-ranked Ferrero, was leading Jan Hajek 3-0
when the Czech player retired because of stomach illness. Garcia-Lopez was 1-1
with Joachim Johansson when the 6-foot-6 Swede pulled out because of severe
blisters on his feet.

Sania Rising High

After a semi-final appearance at last week's Moorilla International in Hobart, Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has jumped 13 places to 53 in the latest WTA rankings.
The 20-year-old Sania had beaten world number 29 Maria Kirilenko en route to the semis.
However, she's is down one place to 25 in the doubles ranking though.

Sania's AO journey will begin from tomorrow, with a first round match against Olga Savchuk of Ukrain. Come On Sania!

Australian Open to start tomorrow:

Two weeks from tomorrow,
Melbourne will be again on toes to cheer the game os Tennis...
Two weeks from tomorrow,
The Players will toil hard to perform on the heated Courts in the City...
The year’s first Grand Slam Tournament is back again!

Roger Federer and Maria Sharapova are Men’s and Women’s Top Seeds respectively, while Sania Mirza will try to improve her record Down Under.

Well, the Matches will be shown Live on Star Sports in India and I don’t want to miss the fabulous Commentary by my favorite duo, Alan Wilkins and with him, the One and only- Vijay Amritraj… and I don’t want to miss it.
So Good Night!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Makar Sankranti

It’s Makar Sankranti today …
More than a religious event, Makar Sankranti is The fiesta of Nature. It’s a day when Sun starts its virtual journey in the Northern Hemisphere, ginimg the message that the chilling days will soon go away and Spring will come again.

So during this time of year, one is supposed to be dressed in Black or other dark sheds. The colour Black has a special importance on Makar Sankranti and it’s considered auspicious as it absorbs heat and keeps the body warm. And we also have a special diet for this season, which consists of food rich in calories to help protect from cold outside.
You know what? Today, I have eaten so many of those Sweets that now I’m feeling Sweet...
Shubh Sankranti!

Friday, January 12, 2007

National Youth Day Vivekanand Jayanti

"Beware of everything that is untrue. Stick to truth and we shall succeed.
Fifty centuries are looking on you, the future of India depends on you.
Work on.."
- Swami Vivekananda

It's the Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananad and the day is celebrated as The National Youth Day.

As a young Indian, I have many things to face, many things to overcome and many things to do.

I have many Dreams and Need to toil hard to make them come true..

And I have many things to earn and many more to give to my society..

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bangladesh: State of Emergency

Another Country... Another Democracy being encroached... or Democracy to be restored

I just heard on TV, President of Bangladesh Iajuddin Ahmed has announced the State of Emergency in the country. He has resigned as chief advisor to the interim caretaker government.
There's the Press Censorship and night curfew imposezd in the country. Bangladesh is to vote in a few day's time and a declaration of Emergency at this hour is surprising (though not unexpected) for me.

So I'm waiting for the President's Address...

From Sky, with Love: Sunitha Williams talks to the Students in Delhi:

Today Sunitha talked to the Students in Delhi via video-conferencing through the International Space Station. Joining the Students were several others including Rakesh Sharma- the First Indian to enter the Space.
The report on this came on CNN-IBN and they also showed the reactions from children allover the country. She is an inspiration, a real inspiration for the little children who aim high…
As I watched on television the report about this conversation, I felt proud and a strange joy filled me.

It's been my childhood dream to enter the Space, and given a chance, I'll choose to be an astronaut.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

PSLV Launched

India's ninth PSLV (polar satellite launch vehicle) successfully took-off from Sriharikota on today. This will serve as a launchpad for loads of technological and commercial ventures.

After the dismal failure of the GSLV(the geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle)in July 2006, the success with the PSLV-C7 has helped boost the morale of the Scientists in India's space research organisation, ISRO.
This is for the first time that ISRO has sent up a launch vehicle into space, with four payloads at a time, two satellites from India and one each from Argentina and Indonesia.
Cartosat-2, India's second earth imaging satellite put up in Orbit by PSLV-C7, will serve as an eye in the sky that will transfer images with high spatial resolution. Cartosat's images would be finer at 80 cm resolution than those of US satellite Ikonos which are of one-metre resolution.

A good Start for Sania

Sania Mirza of India entered the Semifinals of the Hobart International Tennis tournament beating her Doubles partner and local favourite Alicia Molik of Australia. Sania won 6-4, 6-1.
However, the pair ended their doubles journey with a lost in the Quarterfinal. Sania is all set to play Anna Chakvetadze in the semis.

It sounds interesting that you play against someone and then play with the same person. Now that’s the greatness of Sports.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!

Eid Mubaraq!

My Warm Eid- Wishes...

"Eid Mubaraq!"