Sunday, December 03, 2006

Now what to call it???

I’m not so happy with the Indian Media especially the News Channels. Really Really Very Unhappy…
Well I’m angry with them all!!!!

They are spending hours and hours and hours on the loss of Indian team but nobody is bothered about the Glories in Asian Games
I’m so angry with them… And no it’s not because of the lost Cricket Series but it’s because we are not recognizing our heroes. I’m not angry or jealous with the game of Cricket. I just want to say LOOK AT THE SHOOTERS and other ATHLETES too! They are performing excellently.
And this suggestion is for the Indian Cricketers too!
Sadly, People are interested in Cricket only. And that’s why they are not so happy these days, they don’t know the other joys…

No cake and no cherry: India looses the series 4-0

On the first day of the series, I was praying for the “no rains”…
Five matches later, today I was praying for rains- both from the sky and from the bats of our Indian players…
Seems like when it comes to cricket, the Rain God doesn’t listen to us…

So it was at the Wanderers, Johannesburg that the story continued. India lost to South Africa again, and lost with a worst loss.
And with it the ODI Series has ended with Graeme Smith and boys holding Trophy in their hands.

The Indian Cricket Team is definitely going through a very very bad condition. All seem to have confused and there’s hardly anyone to play like a team. Most of the players seem to have lost on confidence. Yet there are a few people who showed a little glimpse of their talent. But over all, it was a bad performance, for sure.

When you have someone doing best and best again and again, you call it “The Cherry on the Cake”
Now What shall we call this Indian loss to South Africa? We have left very little to cheer, neither the cake not even the cherry.