Wednesday, August 22, 2007


So The Mumbai Open Tournament has started like it had last year. The only difference for me is now I'm a Sports Reporter. and well, This is my tragedy. I\m not going to cover it atleast for first two- three days.
Reason: The Twenty-20 World Cup.
Anyways, sometimes we're supposed to do what we are supposed to do. Not always one gets what one wants...
leave it. :)
I wish This Tournament to be as hit as last year- well, I wish it becomes "Bigger and Better" like the organizers are saying.
But I doubt. (sorry, I'm not a pessimist, but still I doubt) I doubt whether it'll be a great Event as there are players pulling out from the tournament this year as well.
There's forecast of rain this year as well....
Still I hope it'll be a great event And I'll get a chance to cover it. Mumbai! It's your time....!