Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bangladesh: State of Emergency

Another Country... Another Democracy being encroached... or Democracy to be restored

I just heard on TV, President of Bangladesh Iajuddin Ahmed has announced the State of Emergency in the country. He has resigned as chief advisor to the interim caretaker government.
There's the Press Censorship and night curfew imposezd in the country. Bangladesh is to vote in a few day's time and a declaration of Emergency at this hour is surprising (though not unexpected) for me.

So I'm waiting for the President's Address...

From Sky, with Love: Sunitha Williams talks to the Students in Delhi:

Today Sunitha talked to the Students in Delhi via video-conferencing through the International Space Station. Joining the Students were several others including Rakesh Sharma- the First Indian to enter the Space.
The report on this came on CNN-IBN and they also showed the reactions from children allover the country. She is an inspiration, a real inspiration for the little children who aim high…
As I watched on television the report about this conversation, I felt proud and a strange joy filled me.

It's been my childhood dream to enter the Space, and given a chance, I'll choose to be an astronaut.