Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Dark Road.. The Movie that moved us all..

The Dark Road:On The Front lines Of Ache's War

This is the story of how an American jurnalist explores an unexplored world in the Acheh- the Seperatist area of Indonesia. He meets the people over their, understands their lives and is touched by their struggle and so he gets involved in their movement. And Finally, he's extradicted from the country. but not for long.
Soon the Tsunamis struck the shores of Acheh and he gets a chance to go there only to see the devstated land over there. He speaks of the Dark Road ahead and then realizes it's not the road that's dark, it's your way of looking at it. And finally when the struggle ends, there's a loss in the victory for the Achenese.

Oh I don't think I can describe the movie, I'm at the lost of words.