Thursday, February 14, 2008

Emergency in Timor

East Timor is facing Emergency situation after rebel soldiers critically wounded the Nobel Peace Prize-winning president and fired at the prime minister's convoy. Armored U.N. vehicles are quickly on work in the tiny Indian Ocean State.
It's a tiny state in South East asia, to be precise near Indonesia. If I'm not wrong, it's the first independent state of the new millenium. Timor is a very tiny state. But it's relatively important in the region. because, Timor is one of the only two Roman Catholic states in the region- Phillipines being the other. The recent things going on in this state are a proof of the fact that a religious state has an unstable future- let it be Israel (Religion- Jew) Palestine and other Arab Nations (Religion Islam), Nepal (of two years back- now it's not a Hindu state) or let it Timor. (To me, this shows, Religion is a sentiment and business of Government can not smoothly on sentiments. )
I won't be surprised if we come to know that Indonesia might have a hand in ared rebel in Timor. And I'm not surprised to see how little attention India has given to these happenings.
I believe small states and their small problems are always not attended until they get bigger. There is always a plenty of discussions on US, West, Afghanistan, iran et el.... But it's always small pieces of land that can shatter the world order. Remember? Two World Wars started over the small pieces of land. And I don't want another one.
I really feel sory when I see people not taking the inciedences in such states seriously. Look at Myanmar (Burma) it's in trouble for many years now. but not much of attention is paid to the proble of people over there. and I really regret over the fact coz, Even Indian leaders are not so willing to take any initiative.