Friday, April 20, 2007

First OLympics

I happened to watch the miniseries "The First Olympics- Athens 1896" on the History Channel today and believe me, it's a really nice nice experience.

I watched it over two days and those hours were full of all emotions and everything- the Games behind the Games, the Pride of one's nation, a fascinated youth and the journey of a dream that moved me...
Although it's basically an educational documentry, it's never like a lecture or a book of History of an Event that is in my opinion, one of the most beautiful things to happen- Revival of the Olympic Games. In fact, what is more important than the actual history and stats is the ambiance of the Event...
The first Olympics were held as a proclaimation of World Peace and soon they became a Tradition which is alive today and will continue to be so for the times to came. It was truelly like a ray of hope- a new beginning just when the World was ready to enter the last century of the millenium. back then people didn't know that so much was lying ahead of the mankind- two World Wars, disastrous weapons, Nuclear Bombs, coldwar and Terrorism...
This mood is very well captured in the film. All the characters and the actors playing them are so impressive and influencial.
Although it's focusing on the American Athelets (that was to happen as it's made in USA), it also gives justice to other countries.
One particular scene that touched my heart was the one when, Flack (first Olympic Medal winner for Australia) wins the race by a small margin, and after riding the podium and taking his award, streches his hand out to congratulate and pulls the American athelete up and both stand together and the spectattors give a standing ovation for this gesture of Sportsmanship. The Spirit of the Games is nothing else...
As Indians are longing for an Olympic success, I think this film needs to be watched byeveryone who's nurturing such Dreams......