Friday, February 09, 2007

Vietnam Symphony

"Vietnam Symphony". It's the movie that really made me cry… So intense and nice, the film keeps you with it all the time.

The Film is a documentary is based on the Vietnam War and tells the story of "School Of Music" in Hanoi, Vietnam. It tells about little children who grew up into elders during those war-days. The film that reminded me that one should never loose the hope. There's always a better tomorrow waiting ahead of you. The small changes in the simple audio-visuals in this film leave a very deep impact on the eys, ears and souls of the audience.

There are two moments in this film- in the first one- at the start of the film the symphony is lost in the noise of bomber Planes. And towards the end of movie, there is a moment when the sound of bombings vanishes in the tune of a Violine...

Music was the only inspiration for the students at a time they could have been alive for a moment and dead the next.. The Changing Music in Vietnam and the remains of the weapons- both have a deep meaning rooted in them...