Thursday, January 25, 2007

Republican Day!

In about a few minuits time, the Clock on my PC will say, "It's January 26th, 2007"

And I'll cheer as loudly as I can at this hour-(well that'll be in a low voice-)-

"Happy Republic Day!"

Roger Rules-over Roddick

Crouds have jam-packed the Stands... Andy Roddick is all set to turn the tide ... Roger Federer enters the court and the same Story continues... 6-4, 6-0, 6-2.

Top Seed Roger Federer has beaten Andy Roddic in straight sets to enter the Final of Australian Open 2007. He equaled the all-time record of consecutive major final appearances held by Australian Jack Crawford since 1934 :) He is now one win away from winning his 10th grand slam title.

Roddick has won only one of the 13 encounters between the Two. Interestingly, he had said it yesterday that it wasn't statistics that held the key in the match-up at the Australian open semi-final.

However, he couldn't prevent Federer who increased his winning Streak against Roddick have said "I'm shocked at it myself".
It's Maria v/s Serena
Once again the two are up against each other, this time in Aussie Open. Serena Williams overcame Nicol Vaidisova while Maria Sharapova has beaten Kim Clijsters to set this Battle. Actually My Dream Final AO-07 was Vaidisova v/s Kim. But, never mind. :D


Indian films are making a mark at the international stage and latest of the bunch is Deepa Mehta's "Water". The Film has made it to the Oscar Nomination for Best Foreign Film catagory. Well, this entry is not as an Indian film but a Canadian one.
Although it's set in Varanasi, the Film was shot in Sri Lanka. Earlier it was scheduled to be shot in Varanasi in 2000, but following the Protests from Self declared "Hindu Cultural police" Mehta had to stop filming. She then struggled for years to make the film and finally shot it with a new Cast and Crew in Sri Lanka.
Set in 1938, the Film is based on lives of widows living in Ashrams (Asylums) in Varanasi and the miseries they faced. The Situation is not too changed even today.
As a woman herself, Deepa's efforts and determination stand out, in making the film.
With "Water", Deepa Mehta has completed the Element triology- "Fire" (1996) and "Earth" (1998) and "Water" (2005)- all based on Indian backdrop and all featuring women in lead role.
I wish all the Best to "Water" for a Oscar Success...