Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pak Elections

The Results are out in Pakistan and as it was anticipated, nobody has a clear majority. But it's clear that people have rejected Musharraf's regim. The pro- Musharraf Pakistan Muslim League has got a severe beating in the polls.
The Pakistan People's Party under leadership of Asif Ali Zardari, late. Benazir Bhutto's widower, had not reaped a mass sympathy vote, as it was espected. On the other Hand, Former Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff's Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) produced a surprise result. And small parties have got small sections. So, Nobody has got a chance to make the Government.
Now this has raised a whole new bunch of questions. Will the President step down? will a coillition come into existance? and will the coillition really last long? will Pakistan have a new Government? will that Government be able to solve the problems of inflation, power cuts and food shortages?

We'll see this in coming times. But markets in Pakistan are showing optimism since the results came, with a rise of more than three percent, as it's reported.

Next few days are going to be very crucial.From what it seems, there is one possibility. PPP Leader Asif Zardari might join hands with Shariff's PML(N) .
There's another thing- the results in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) are quite interesting. Here, a secular ethnic Pashtun nationalist party has, beaten Islamist parties. The area is known to be conservative.
But in light of these results, there is a basic thing one needs to keep in mind- only around 40 % . In many areas like NWFP, women were banned from voting. But still, 40% is not bad to start with, for a country deprived of Democracy for past nine years, and many more before that.

India Reacts to Kosovo Freedom

I was waiting for India's official reaction to the Kosovo problem. and it's not differen than what I had anticipated, if it came.
Just check this link:
India has always supported a solution through bilateral talks let it be any problem from any part of the world. As a Free Nation and Republic Democracy, India has always respected territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries.
So wheneveer there is any dispute between two countries or between a country and it's subsidiary, India must treat it as an internal problem between the two bodies- a problem that must be resolved through consultation and dialogue. So, India is not agreeing the way Kosovo has tried to be Sovereign.

That sums up India’s reaction to Kosovo’s declaration of Freedom.
* It was a very long day- the IPL auction, and I must stop here.