Monday, January 22, 2007

From India to the Moon via the Bay of Bengal.…

An ambitious India is seeing a dream for some time now- The Dream to reach to the Moon... and today, we walked one step ahead on the way to the Moon with the successful recovery of SRE. The Space Capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE) after performing experiments in the Space, returned to the Earth and is successfully recovered in the Bay of Bengal.

I wish to congratulate all Indians on this occasion. And my Best of Luck to the Scientist Friends- May you soon prepare the “Chandrayaan-1” and then say “Oh Moon, you are not far from our reach now… “

It’s a moment of Glory for India... And I’m proud of it…
It’s a dream nearing reality and I can’t wait to see it come true...

But while we are reaching such new heights, one question still leaps up in my mind, is it necessary? Are we rich enough to spend huge money on such dreams? Is it fine to try to decode the space when there are several problems lying ahead of us on the Earth?
I am not confused. Yes. Yes it is required. It’s something we must pay our attention to. We may not be wealthy like some other countries, but we dream big and we toil hard to fulfill those dreams- whatever odds we may be forced to face in the process. A prosperous India must be a powerful one and a powerful India must believe in peace and welfare of humanity, not only in the country but in the whole World. And I believe we are capable of doing it. Just to make us more accomplished, we need to make a mark in the space as well. I’m sure we can make it…..

Once again my heartiest Congrats to all and…. Moon, we are coming…!!!

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