Wednesday, January 10, 2007

PSLV Launched

India's ninth PSLV (polar satellite launch vehicle) successfully took-off from Sriharikota on today. This will serve as a launchpad for loads of technological and commercial ventures.

After the dismal failure of the GSLV(the geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle)in July 2006, the success with the PSLV-C7 has helped boost the morale of the Scientists in India's space research organisation, ISRO.
This is for the first time that ISRO has sent up a launch vehicle into space, with four payloads at a time, two satellites from India and one each from Argentina and Indonesia.
Cartosat-2, India's second earth imaging satellite put up in Orbit by PSLV-C7, will serve as an eye in the sky that will transfer images with high spatial resolution. Cartosat's images would be finer at 80 cm resolution than those of US satellite Ikonos which are of one-metre resolution.

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