Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam To Be Hanged on Saturday?

Saddam Hussein will possibly be hanged in a few days. But I’m sensing a plot over here. Why he was denied of appeal? Why there is so rush about it? May be it’s all to deny him the right to be judged by an international court. Yes, He deserves a fair trial although he denied the same for several people.
What will be the difference between Saddam and his killers, if he’s really hanged? Nothing. Because already they have made a grave mistake by attacking Iraq and they are still to heal it Thousands of civilians and soldiers died in this war, and in Afghanistan, in Somalia and places like this.
He has done the crime against people of Iraq then, They should have decided what to do with their former ruler, Not the interim government that came into power due to an American support..
He has done Crime against Humanity, let the International Tribunal decide what to do with him and Not any Country-Court..

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