Saturday, December 30, 2006

Demise of an Era

“He has done the crime against people of Iraq then, They should have decided what to do with their former ruler, Not the interim government that came into power due to an American support.. He has done Crime against Humanity, let the
International Tribunal decide what to do with him and Not any Country-Court.. ”

I said it last night and in a few hours time I’ve come to know that this is not going to happen... Never... Because, the Man I was talking about is no more.

I just watched it on TV; the former Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein is dead. He is hanged an hour before.

He was hanged today, as the Sun was rising in the City of Baghdad. But on whom the Sun was shining today?
The Dictator who dominated Iraq for over four decades, the Man who was causing nightmares for Bush (both Senior and Junior), is no more. The fiend that has been haunting psyches of America is no more.

But that isn’t what we Indians identify him as. For us he was not a fiend but a friend.
For us, he was a special friend. I’ll remember him as a man who, like a true friend, stood by India on many occasions. I’ll remember him as a secular leader who succeeded in keeping Iraq united for over a long period of time, despite the acute civil differences that were made by some selfish people. I’ll remember him as a leader who supported the modern living in Iraq, when some other countries of the region were going back in time.
We have lost a friend forever....

But I also can’t forget the inhuman steps he took during his regime. Inhuman to the extent that-one can not put it in words. I accept he was required to be punished but I won’t accept the way the punishment was carried out in hurry. (Well that shows how desperate Mr. Bush is to get rid of this all,).
Why they chose this particular date for execution, when the year 2006 is to end soon, when the Hajj is going on and when Muslims are to celebrate the Eid soon? (Well, they might have filmed this one too, and they may air it on prime time shows.)
Anyways, He is hanged till death for a crime he did around two and a half decade ago. What was America doing at that time? (Oh! How can I forget, he was in a fight with Iran and Communism, then, isn’t it?)
So why was he hanged now?
I simply refuse to accept this decision and the action over it. I believe that, execution is not the answer. It will end the person and not the thought.

Whatever it may be, but one thing is sure, Iraq will face tough time in the days ahead. There are pockets that are happy with Saddam’s execution and there are pockets who want to take revenge. There’re pockets that support US, there are pockets who oppose it. And there are pockets who want to get free. I feel that surely this is the Divide and Rule policy in place

1 comment:

JaamZIN said...

I like your thoughts. I had similar ones....