Saturday, February 16, 2008

Kosovo to declare Independence

When in 2006, Montenegro Seceded from Serbia, it was supposed to be the final state to break away from the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. But now it might be proved wrong. I just read the news that Kosovo is about to declare independence anytime soon. The UN administered territory is all set to secede from Serbia.

I wonder how the World especially EU and UN will react to this. I’m not sure if Kosovo’s sovereignty will get recognition from all of the international community. Serbia will not accept it- that’s I’m damn sure. The Serbs consider Kosovo as the birth-place of their civilization.

Kosovo has been a part of Serbia since a long time. But in the last decade it came into light because of the ethnic conflict between Serbs and Albanians. The territory has seen genocide under the rule of Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic had imposed areal attacks on Kosovo and NATO forces came to the rescue. After his rule came to an end, the Territory is under control from UN administered Forces. The Albanians had been demanding a separate state of their own. And now, as the UN sponsored negotiations have failed to reach any conclusion, Kosovo is going to declare unilateral Independence.
Obviously, Serbia would never accept it. So will Russia, who has always supported the Serbs. Even, China would not recognize Kosovo’s Sovereignty, because of their specific interests. China has claimed Taiwan- the tiny neighbouring to be a part of Chinese Territory. But Taiwan has declared its independence and Chinese support to Kosovo will eventually take the power away from their claim on Taiwan. And I doubt if India will pay any attention to it?

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