Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's been a year since I promised myself so may things, like everyone does it... And as the Year 2007 came to an End, I'm glad to have fulfilled them all (except only one, which in the coming year I will).

Oh! What a year it had been! So many things have happened, in my world, it’s a totally different me at the end of this year. Yet I’m quite the same one- a curious little girl in search of meaning of her life. I’m still to find it but I believe I’ll soon find it- my ultimate aim of life.
I know it’s going to be a long tiresome journey and I’m aware I may not get there where I want to, but I’ll try because I have to… and I will, because I must. However tiresome it may be but it’s a beautiful journey, we call it life. And for us all, every year is a fresh start to a new journey… Let this year everyone will reach where they ought to.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2008!

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