Monday, August 13, 2007

Montreal Monster

Just checked the results of Roger- Djoko match. It's finished. Defending Champion Roger lost the Final.
But he lost to Novak Djokovic, The new monster on the court. He's s0 funny to watch! A man with character. He's beaten All top threes in this week now- Andy Roddic, Rafael Nadal and the number one- Roger Federer...
I always believed Djokovic is a better candidate for No.2. And I'm frustrated coz on his way to be no 2 he's beaten Roger. I... Don't know what to say... This match Roger Fully- deserved to win it. look at the aces and double faults both the players made. It's clear that Roger played much better. He lost the two sets in TBs, where luck can swing to anyone's way... This time, luck favoured Djoko But I'm sure It'll Swing back To Roger during USO. Go Roger!

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