Tuesday, April 24, 2007

PSLV C8 A Commercial Success.

PSLV Successfully Launches Italian Satellite

In its eleventh flight, conducted from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota, this afternoon (April 23, 2007), ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C8, successfully launched the 352 kg Italian astronomical satellite, AGILE, into a 550 km circular orbit, inclined at an angle of 2.5 deg to the equator. PSLV-C8 mission was unique in many respects.

In this mission, PSLV was flown, for the first time, without the six strap-on motors of the first stage. Also, for the first time, PSLV launched a satellite into an equatorial
circular orbit of 550 km. PSLV-C8 was the first major commercial launch the contract for which was won against stiff international competition.

Along with the Italian satellite, AGILE, an Advanced Avionics Module (AAM), weighing 185 kg, to test advanced launch vehicle avionics systems like mission computers, navigation and telemetry systems, was also flown on PSLV-C8. All the operational flights of PSLV so far have been successful and thus PSLV has emerged as the workhorse launch vehicle of ISRO..... more

The 42-hour countdown for the launch of 11th flight of PSLV ended and it took off from the launch pad carrying with it the Italian Satellite and a new hope.
The successful Launch of PSLV- C8 is surely a big leap for ISRO. This is the first totally Commercial Flight and opens up the prospects of a huge market. But besides all, this success is a boost for the Dream of Space Researchers and Technocrats- Dream of a journey to the Moon. PSLV or Polar Satelite Launch Vehical has an important task to perform in the next few years- It would also launch India's first mission to the moon, Chandrayaan-1 in 2008.

I wish that dream comes to reality soon. But soemtimes I question, whether it's required? why we spend so much of money to know about outer space when a child beside us is dying out of Hunger?
May be it is. because we are also hungry for knowledge and power. And
So I congratulate the Scientists and I also wish that they don't forget about the realities in India and all over the world...
Flying far is our dream and we'd have it done one day. but we all must fly together- like the migratory birds...

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