Friday, April 06, 2007

A call against Global Warming

Only eigth years are remaining to save the Earth, yes, ONLY EIGHT YEARS...

The UNEP studies have shown that the amount of Green House Gases released in the air will go out of control after eight years, the damage will be beyond repairable. hmm, I think the damage is already done, and we need to take rapid action. We can not heal the wounds, we can just put oinment on it, and bear the pain till everything gets fine- which will take so many decades. Otherwise, everything will end in a few moments...

Eight Years is not a big period. For the Earth who's millions of years old, eight years are like a wink of eyes. Oh why people don't understand what horrible things lie ahead of them?

The things we need to do are too many, and time is so less... But anything and everything is possible if we want it to happen.

Miles To Go Before I sleep... Miles To Go Before I sleep...

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