Monday, April 16, 2007

An Attack on the Freedom of Expression

Star News condemns attack on office

Tuesday, 17 April , 2007, 09:33, UNI

Star News channel today condemned the attack on its office by anti-social elements today.
Speaking on the ransacking of their office at Mahalaxmi, a release by the channel here said, ''We condemn this attack on our office by certain anti-social elements. They completely ransacked the Star News office in Mumbai this evening, injuring our security and other staff and causing huge financial damage. It is alarming that people are using such means to register their protests. We believe that this is in reaction to our coverage about a young couple who eloped from Surat.''

''As a responsible news channel, we have factually reported the situation surrounding the same. We will co-operate fully with the authorities to ensure that necessary action is taken."

This incidence is highly condemnable. In al my spirits I regret that such things happens in a Democracy of the Day.
I agree that media could be wrong sometimes but there are other ways to cope with it, Violence of this kind is aimed only at distruction and nothing else. The Riot-ers are in search of fame and do anything for it. It's such a shame!

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