Saturday, March 24, 2007

The End of a Dream, the Biginning of the Next

Around four years ago, it was the same day of March, the 23rd. And Indian Cricket saw a dream... The Dream of winning back the World Cup...

That Dream remained a Dream at the end of the day. It didn't ended in reality... Indian Team lost to Australia.

That dream generated a new hope and a new dream out of it. For four years, every cricket lover in this country nurtured that dream in their heart. but when the time neared, most of them realised, that only dreaming doesn't win victories for us.

And that's what was prooved in the match agaist Sri Lanka, which India lost and is now out of the World Cup.

It's not my job to analyse what went wrong and where with the Team India, no, that's the job of the players and coache. Still everyone, every single fan, and Cricket players and onlookers in this country has his or her opinion and suggestions to give now. I won't add mine to that.

What I'm seeing is the End of a Dream and I hopr this becomes the beginning of the Next one...

Don't ever stop dreaming, sometimes they come true.

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