Sunday, February 11, 2007

Joining Zee...

I'm to do internship with Zee Chovis Taas- The first 24 hrs Marathi News Channel...
I know it's all going to be an exciting experience. But I regret it somewhere...

To be frank, I don't know why I'm joining there. I'm not interested in round the clock news screening. I'd love to work on internet instead.

Anyways, I'll take it as a learning experience.

Let's see what happens next......

And I'm feeling not so good because, I'll have to work in the night shifts and then there'll be no time for blogging and all... So sad

The Film festival: Finally it's the End for this edition

Imagine a day when you go to the college and there are no lectures and no teachers to take lectures... All you have to do is sit comfortabally and watch the Movies all throught the day..
For the past week we enjoyed the same and it was all really so nice! I really loved all the films and I don't know how I'll feel after the festival is over. So much I got involved in it and So much I got throught it...
The film Festival has ended but its memories are still lingering on...
I have been so moved by the films and I feel myself as a lucky person to get such an opportunity. It was just amazing! I've no words to say how much I enjoyed it, how much I got to think... Everything was just like a different world.
I think such festivals should be held over and over again. They are a real opportunity for the students to learn.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Dark Road.. The Movie that moved us all..

The Dark Road:On The Front lines Of Ache's War

This is the story of how an American jurnalist explores an unexplored world in the Acheh- the Seperatist area of Indonesia. He meets the people over their, understands their lives and is touched by their struggle and so he gets involved in their movement. And Finally, he's extradicted from the country. but not for long.
Soon the Tsunamis struck the shores of Acheh and he gets a chance to go there only to see the devstated land over there. He speaks of the Dark Road ahead and then realizes it's not the road that's dark, it's your way of looking at it. And finally when the struggle ends, there's a loss in the victory for the Achenese.

Oh I don't think I can describe the movie, I'm at the lost of words.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Vietnam Symphony

"Vietnam Symphony". It's the movie that really made me cry… So intense and nice, the film keeps you with it all the time.

The Film is a documentary is based on the Vietnam War and tells the story of "School Of Music" in Hanoi, Vietnam. It tells about little children who grew up into elders during those war-days. The film that reminded me that one should never loose the hope. There's always a better tomorrow waiting ahead of you. The small changes in the simple audio-visuals in this film leave a very deep impact on the eys, ears and souls of the audience.

There are two moments in this film- in the first one- at the start of the film the symphony is lost in the noise of bomber Planes. And towards the end of movie, there is a moment when the sound of bombings vanishes in the tune of a Violine...

Music was the only inspiration for the students at a time they could have been alive for a moment and dead the next.. The Changing Music in Vietnam and the remains of the weapons- both have a deep meaning rooted in them...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Zero Degrees OF Separation

It would have been done differently,
But it was done differently...
-from "Zero Degrees Of Separation"
It's very rare that I like a film so much, but since past three days it's a different story. And today, I watched a film and I'm still under the trans...
As human beings we all keep talking about several good things. I don't know exactly why I'm sharing this with you, but it's not just about a wonderful movie, It's about real people-People, we more fortunates normally don't know much about or rather don't care to know.
"Zero degrees OF Separation" is a film that has won several international awards and it was shown in our college as a part of the film festival. It's about everything- Dreams, Reality, Love, Hatred, Relationships, boldness, all contrasting things, about everything. It's a documentary by Canadian Director Elle Flanders and based on Israeli and Palestinian people but it surely has a Universal appeal.
Frankly speaking, it is a shocking one for me and it really sends several cultural shock waves. The two gay couple showed in it are in inter-ethnic relationships. They try defy all the odds, and in the midst of a conflict emerge as symbols of humanity. and the message is clear: When your lover is most often considered your enemy your relationship has more at stake than the average affair
On technical Grounds- Sound, Cinematography, all is just perfect.I'm finding words to review The Film. It's hard to say anything about it, it's something that you have to experience. And I feel myself to be fortunate to watch it.
Without making any political statement, the movie says a lot. It doesn't blame anyone but sends a message that we have to toil hard to make a difference. It talks on how in the name of something, something else is done. It focuses on ignored issues of the region like women and human rights. The most appealing part is the thesis, the message: Violence can not Stop Violence.
They were promised of a land of their own, a land like the Kingdom of Heavon. have they got it? Does it look like the Heaven?
Who is responsible? Why this is Happening? Why? Why People fight over a small piece of land? Why? Why So much of hatred? Why?
Questions... Questions... and Questions...
I just found the website of the movie:

33rd National Games of India

The 33rd National Games will egin in Guwahati on Friday. The Games are expected to attract crowds as the Ulfa have withdrawn its boycott of the games just at the last moment after the appeal from well-known Sorts-persons.

However, Authorities are not willing to take any chances.

At least 7000 sportspersons from across the country will participate in 32 disciplines over the next 10 days.

Hosting this mega event had become a matter of prestige for the state government. The Games have been postponed twice earlier. And the other affecting factor is "Weather".
And to add to this, there are several Well-nown artists who have pulled out f the Games.

Anyways, I wish them all Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Film Festival at Somaiya: Day Two

I was feeling too tired today, still I went to watch the films. and to add to my agony, the screening delayed due to some technical problems. Finally the scahedule was cut down from 18 films to 11. Oh God!! I just hate it when anyone or anything gets delayed...
So we had to wait and ultimately it paid off well.. All the films screened today were just excellent. Perfect. And before we started with the films, our dear professor Amma Ma'm gave an insihght on creative writing for script.
The Review:
Of the eleven films shown today, 9 were animation movies, one documentary and one was a short film. All the nine animated by FD, are great ones. They give an idea as to how the early animations used to be? Not only that, such films are also giving a good message throught it. You said it satirically poor on the common man's life. The Thinker shows how Human Being develped over the years, and how they brought pollution in here?
The Balloon condemns the "rumourism" how a small balloon is developed into a big one.
The threads (Unity) Endgame (rising nuclearism) and She could do you proud (female Infanticide) , these three are the films with the message to give. They speak on the respective problems and how people react to it.
Next one to be screened, was "The Inner Eye" by Satyajeet Ray. The Documentary is about Binod Bihari Mukharji a blind artist at Shantikenatan. What else to say???
After Inner Eye, how to get it to the others.
Today's final one was 58 min film :( Jataner Jami ase sangat firvat rahatat.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

University of Mumbai: International Film Festival

As a part of its sesquicentennial celebrations, the University of Mumbai has organized the International Film Festival at Somaiya College, Vidyavihar. It's a festival organized in association with the Films Division (Information and Broadcast Ministry of India.)
Being a student of media, I seek it as an opportunity to study some of the finest documentaries and short films made by several notable directors and producers.

The festival began today in a traditional manner. After the festivities, the brief introduction and messages from Principal Dr. Venketramani Sir, Prof. Mrs. Parvati -who spoke as a representative of the University and Prof. Mrs. Sangita Kohli- the BMM Co-ordinator at Somaiya. The Chief Guests Mr. Kuldeep Sinha and Mr. V Packirisami shared their thoughts with the students.
What followed after was a Moviethon for around 6 hours... and it will follow for the next few days till Saturday.

The Review:

All the films to be screened the for the week are specifically chosen ones.
The Festival got a great start with the screening of a great film- perhaps the most anticipated one- ‘Little Terrorist’, a short film by Mr. Ashwini Kumar. The film lasts for not more than 17 min. and in such a short span tells a story of a little boy who by mistake crosses the international Border and enters India- a story on which a 3 hours long Bollywood melodrama was also possible. But needless to say, I am glad that the filmmakers stuck to simplicity and that’s what makes it a good short film. Certainly, it got a lot of appreciation from the crowd.
It was a bit same with 'A Moment of Accepting Life', a 7 min. film by Robert Mclean (UK) It's a story of three souls who reach the sky meet St. Peter. Rest.... You must watch it..
Small or big, Time doesn't matter for a film. That's what this short short film prooved. And so proved another film- "Riding Solo to the Top of The World". This one is a 84 min. travelogue bye A lonesome traveler, Gaurav Jani who travels all the way from Mumbai to one of the remotest areas- Changthang Plateau a place in Laddakh near Indo- Chinese Border. It's a film shot by a one man unit- Gaurav himself and he astonished everyone with all his manners. Don't miss it if you ever get a chance to see it.
There were several other documetntries produced by the Films Division:
Lost Child (27 min) by Mulk Raj Anand is a notable one. It uses no dialogue and still keeps the viewers bound to it. Khilonewala, a film by S Sokhdev, conveys a strong message and is relevant even today.
Through a Lens Starkly by Kuldeep Sinha presents the history of documentary film making in India. A FD news magazine on Bhiwandi Tragedy leaves an impact- a shocking reality in the city- on the minds of the audiences. Lamp in the Niche by Girish Karnad throws light on the Sufi tradition. Moving Perspectives by Mrinal Sen talks about the changing Indian Scenario in the 1960s while Himalayan Wilderness picturizes the prosperous wild-life in the Himalayas. Arrival, a film by Mani Kaul focuses on issues of Industrialization.
However, I'm not so happy as there was a loose management behind the festival. So I'm not happy. Anyways, I'm too tired today, So I'll go to bed rightaway, bye!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Remembering Kalpana...

She dreamt of living in the sky near the stars...
And She's there forever among the stars..

My deed condolenses to Kalpana...
