Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Finally the justice for Priyadarshini Mattoo

The Delhi High Court today gave Death Sentence to Santosh Singh who allegedly raped and killed 23 years old law student Priyadarshini Mattoo.
The justice came after 11 years, but It Came, finally, giving at least some relief to the Matto Family and a ray of hope to the families of victims in two other high-profile cases- Jessica Lal and Nitish Katara Murder Cases.

The Judges, while reading the Statement, observed the circumstance as rarest of the rare. However this has triggered the age long discussion over Death Penalty for Rapists again. Singh, a son of an IPS officer and a lawyer by himself brutally killed the victim. In my opinion, he deserves the biggest punishment.

However, I believe that killing a criminal is not the Answer. There is only one solution, which is a rather hard to implement, kill the criminal mentality and not the criminal. To develop a society with lesser no of crimes we need to work very hard. Till then, there appears to be only one punishment for a crime as wild as this one.

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