Monday, March 24, 2008

Olympic Torch Begins its journey

Yes, The Torch is on her way to Athens, and then to Beijing- the host city of this years Olympics Games.
The Torch was lit, in a traditional manner using Sunrays, amidst the relices of ancient Olympia and then was handed over to the runner. But as expected, this ceremony was not without any protest.
However, the Torch may have to face even tougher situations. I just hope nobody will affront this journey of harmony.
The Flame will take its first stop at , ofcourse, Athens and then it'll be taken to Beijing. then the relay wil start. By the time I publish this Blog, Olympic Torch will have crossed a few miles more. I'm waiting for it to arrive in India....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Holi!

Happy Holi! May our lives be full of colours!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

F1 Season Starts

The Action begins again! The 2008 Formula One season is starting... The Stage is all set for it...
who'll win? will it be the Ferraris, or the Mc-Larens or will it be Renaults? Who'll be the Champion- Raikonnen, Alonso or Hamilton?
or would we be having another surprise winner?
But Most importantly, what will Force India do? All Eyes are on the First ever F1 team from India. All the Best Force India!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

India wins over Australia

Oh, One more moment of pride for Indian Cricket. We've beaten Australia in their homeland. and I'm out of words, used them all for today's bulletines.. I need some rest now.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

India lifts under19 cup

Oh what a special time for Indian Cricket! Months ago, we won the T20 World Cup and this time we have the Under Ninetin World Cup...!!!!

Time To Celebrate, but also to think again. it's a fact that our youngesters do very well at U19 levels, but they can't keep it on to the senior leve. let's hope this new generation will break this jinx! Congrats, Young Team India!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Oh So much is happening around! But I find it hard to come here everyday and report. :( :(

I've my Exams coming up, and may not be able to come here more often. It's time to go blank from net for a few days....

See you soon, My World!