Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Fighter known as Justin
It takes a lot of courage to fight and reach the top of the World. and it takes even more courage to leave that place where the whole world is at your feet. Justin Henin has done it and she has done it at the age of 25.
Just two weeks for her 26th Birthday, Henin has decided, she has goit enough of Tennis, enough of Grandslams. She has decided to quit. The rumours have come true. Justin Henin has decided to leave the game that was so far her life. it'll always be her life, but she has decided to keep away from the competition. The World's best Tennis player has decided to leave the game. It comes to me like a shock , like most of her admirers, I have no words to react.
All I can say it, that's Justin. It's her way of doing things. But one question remains, WHY? everytime on tennis court she fought it off till she won. the why she gave up at jut almost 26?
Well, this is not the first tie she had to take a brave yet harsh decision- in her life on the Court and off of it.
It was never an easy task to be Justin Henin. but this Belgian overcame all the obstacles and reached the pinnacle of this marvelous sport of tennis- full of bitter competition.
Henin started playing at the age of 5. her mother used to take her to the French Open. on one such trip in 1992, she got to see the battle for championship between her idol Steffie Graff and Monica Seles. Graff lost that match but little Justin was so inspired by the ambians of Roland Garros that she told her mother "One day I will play here and I will win."
And she made that dream come true. not once, but four times. Besides she's won one Australian Open title, and two U.S. Open titles. She also won the WTA Tour Championships twice and the singles gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics.
Since past three years, she's The Numero Uno of women's Tennis.
All these victories were not an easy thing for this 5 and a half feet girl, who was to play against Serenas and Venuses and Sharapovas, who were purepower players and hard heater. but Justin had got the most accomplished game, She kept the classical style alive which will be missed now. .
But all this was not a smooth riding, Justin was doing it all alone, without her family. at the age of 12, she lost her mother. She loved Pierre-Yves Hardenne and for him left her father and siblings at the age of 17. and just a year ago, that relationship broken off. She had to bear the pain of divorce. The only one who never left her, the only one who helped her come out of most of these obstacles was her coach- her friend philosopher and guide- Carlos Rodriguez.
But life gave her a chance to reunite with her family and last year, after divorce, she rejoined her siblings. in a way, last year was the best of her whole carreer. She won the French Open for third successive time, and hence, was the tripple defending champion for this years tournament, which is to begin in two weeks. That is why her decision to retire is quite surprising.
but as she has said it - she felt no sadness about her retirement because she believed it was a release from a game she had focused on for twenty years. She also said that in the future, she will be concentrating on charity and her tennis school.
So there was nothing that could keep her motivation, not even the Wimbledon title, which had always elluded her.
whatever it may be, Tennis Lovers like me wil never forget this greatest and most accomplished player of her generation, her triumphs in Paris, the sheer determinance on her face when she played, and the victorious smile that made her look even clamer when she used to lift the trophy......
Certainly, I'm gonna miss her.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Olympic Flame on the Rooftop of the World
They have done it. A Special Chinese team has taken the Olympic Flame to the Everest, as they had planned to do it. Here are a few pics, that I could get online...
This is the first time in the history of Olympic Games that the Torch has reached this hight- the highest place in the world - the vertical pole- Mt. Everest. It's an achievement, for the Chinese Government. They have shown their might to the rest of the world. well, that is what they think of the OG. and, they're not the first onw to do that. I just pray, this journey and the Games go on smoothly.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Good Bye for a few Weeks...!
Hmm, It's all messed up- Studies, Work, Family duties... I think I must take a break from Writing. It's really not possible for me to run this blog for a few days (I fear it'll be weeks but no chance :( ) I've my exams coming up and I need to prepare for the Indian Premier League.
But I'll be back again, till then Good Bye!
But I'll be back again, till then Good Bye!
Friday, April 11, 2008
इस्लामाबाद टू बँकॉक व्हाया नवी दिल्ली
राजधानी नवी दिल्ली मोठ्या उत्सुकतेनं सतरा एप्रिलची वाट पाहतेय. जागोजागी सुरक्षाव्यवस्था वाढवण्यात येतेय. संसदभवन परिसरात अगदी प्रजासत्ताक दिनाला असते तितकी जय्यत तयारी करण्यात आली आहे. राजपथाभोवती तर सगळीक़डे कंमांडोजचं कडं उभं करण्यात येतंय. काही तासांसाठी दिल्लीच्या काही भागांत वाहनांवरही बंदी घालण्यात आली आहे. नाही, १७ तारखेला दिल्लीत कोणत्याही देशाचा राजनेता येत नाहीए. ही सगळी तयारी चाललीय ती ऑलिम्पिक ज्योतीच्या स्वागतासाठी, या ज्योतीच्या दिल्लीतील प्रवासात व्यत्यय येऊ नये यासाठी...
ऑलिम्पिकची ज्योत इस्लामाबादमधून लवकरंच भारतात येणार आहे आणि तिथून पुढे बँकॉकसाठी रवाना होणार आहे. एरवी ही ज्योत म्हणजे विश्वशांतीचं प्रतिक. पण यंदा या ज्योतीचा प्रवास चांगलाच पेटलाय. आपल्या प्रवासात या ज्योतीला ठिकठिकाणी चीन विरोधी निदर्शनांचा सामना करावा लागतोय. लंडन आणि पॅरिसमध्ये या निदर्शकांना हिंसक वळण लागलं होतं.
लंडनमध्ये एका तिबेट समर्थकानं ऑलिम्पिक ज्योत हिसकावून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न केला होता. तर पॅरिसमध्ये निदर्शनं हाताबाहेर गेल्यानं टॉर्च रिले आटोपता घ्यावा लागला. याच दरम्यान सुरक्षिततेसाठी पॅरिसमधल्या पोलिसांना ज्योत विझवावी लागल्याचं वृत्त आलं. नंतर सॅनफ्रान्सिस्कोमध्येही ज्योतीच्या विरोधाची आग पसरली. रिचर्ड गेअरसारखे तिबेट समर्थक हॉलिवूड कलाकारही त्या विरोधात सामील झाले. त्यानंतर निदर्शनांचा जोर काहीसा थंडावला. पण चीन सरकारची चिंता अजून संपलेली नाही. कारण या ज्योतीला अजून एक महत्त्वाचा टप्पा पार करायचाय आणि याच टप्प्यावर म्हणजे भारतात ऑलिम्पिक ज्योतीला कडवा विरोध होण्याची शक्यता आहे. कारण तिबेटचं श्रद्धास्थान आणि लाडके नेते दलाई लामा यांच्यासह अनेक तिबेटी नागरिक गेली सहा दशकं भारताच्या आश्रयाला आहेत. भारतीयांबरोबर त्यांचं मैत्रीचं नातं आहे. चीनशी मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध असूनही भारतीयांना भावनिकदृष्ट्या तिबेटच जवळचा वाटतो. याच भावनिक नात्याचा परिणाम म्हणून आपल्या फुटबॉल संघाचा कर्णधार बायचुंग भुतियानं टॉर्च रिलेमधनं नाव मागे घेतलं. भारतीय अधिका-यांनी मात्र मात्र एक गोष्ट स्पष्ट केली आहे. ऑलिम्पिक ज्योत ही काही चीनची मक्तेदारी नाही, तर तो एक जागतिक वारसा आहे. तरिही या ज्योतीला इतका विरोध का व्हावा? तिबेटी नागरिकांसाठी ही एक संधी आहे- ऑलिम्पिकच्या निमित्तानं आपले प्रश्न, चीनच्या अधिपत्याखाली तिबेटमध्ये होणारा अन्याय यांना वाचा फोडण्याची. आणि त्याचा ते पुरेपूर वापर करून घेत आहेत. आणि का करू नये? चीनचं सरकारही ऑलिम्पिकच्या माध्यमातून आपलं वर्चस्व गाजवण्यासाठी झटतंय. अर्थात यामध्ये कुठही या ज्योतीला किंवा ऑलिम्पिकच्या परंपरेला मात्र धक्का पोहोचणार नाही ना याची काळजीही घ्यायला हवी.पण ऑलिम्पिकच्या राजकीय पटावर दोन्ही बाजूंना होणा-या या हालचालींचे परिणाम नेहमीप्रमाणे सर्वसामन्यांनाच भोगावे लागतायत. भारतही त्याला अपवाद नाही. दिल्लीत होणा-या टॉर्च रिलेमध्ये अनेक खेळाडू आणि सेलिब्रिटीज सहभागी होतील. पण सुरक्षेच्या कारणांमुळं सर्वसामान्यांना ज्योतीपासून लांबच ठेवण्यात येणार आहे. म्हणजे शेवटी लोकांना एकत्र आणणारी ही ज्योत लोकांपासूनच दुरावणार, नाही का? याचाही विचार व्हायलाच हवा.
ऑलिम्पिकची ज्योत इस्लामाबादमधून लवकरंच भारतात येणार आहे आणि तिथून पुढे बँकॉकसाठी रवाना होणार आहे. एरवी ही ज्योत म्हणजे विश्वशांतीचं प्रतिक. पण यंदा या ज्योतीचा प्रवास चांगलाच पेटलाय. आपल्या प्रवासात या ज्योतीला ठिकठिकाणी चीन विरोधी निदर्शनांचा सामना करावा लागतोय. लंडन आणि पॅरिसमध्ये या निदर्शकांना हिंसक वळण लागलं होतं.
लंडनमध्ये एका तिबेट समर्थकानं ऑलिम्पिक ज्योत हिसकावून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न केला होता. तर पॅरिसमध्ये निदर्शनं हाताबाहेर गेल्यानं टॉर्च रिले आटोपता घ्यावा लागला. याच दरम्यान सुरक्षिततेसाठी पॅरिसमधल्या पोलिसांना ज्योत विझवावी लागल्याचं वृत्त आलं. नंतर सॅनफ्रान्सिस्कोमध्येही ज्योतीच्या विरोधाची आग पसरली. रिचर्ड गेअरसारखे तिबेट समर्थक हॉलिवूड कलाकारही त्या विरोधात सामील झाले. त्यानंतर निदर्शनांचा जोर काहीसा थंडावला. पण चीन सरकारची चिंता अजून संपलेली नाही. कारण या ज्योतीला अजून एक महत्त्वाचा टप्पा पार करायचाय आणि याच टप्प्यावर म्हणजे भारतात ऑलिम्पिक ज्योतीला कडवा विरोध होण्याची शक्यता आहे. कारण तिबेटचं श्रद्धास्थान आणि लाडके नेते दलाई लामा यांच्यासह अनेक तिबेटी नागरिक गेली सहा दशकं भारताच्या आश्रयाला आहेत. भारतीयांबरोबर त्यांचं मैत्रीचं नातं आहे. चीनशी मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध असूनही भारतीयांना भावनिकदृष्ट्या तिबेटच जवळचा वाटतो. याच भावनिक नात्याचा परिणाम म्हणून आपल्या फुटबॉल संघाचा कर्णधार बायचुंग भुतियानं टॉर्च रिलेमधनं नाव मागे घेतलं. भारतीय अधिका-यांनी मात्र मात्र एक गोष्ट स्पष्ट केली आहे. ऑलिम्पिक ज्योत ही काही चीनची मक्तेदारी नाही, तर तो एक जागतिक वारसा आहे. तरिही या ज्योतीला इतका विरोध का व्हावा? तिबेटी नागरिकांसाठी ही एक संधी आहे- ऑलिम्पिकच्या निमित्तानं आपले प्रश्न, चीनच्या अधिपत्याखाली तिबेटमध्ये होणारा अन्याय यांना वाचा फोडण्याची. आणि त्याचा ते पुरेपूर वापर करून घेत आहेत. आणि का करू नये? चीनचं सरकारही ऑलिम्पिकच्या माध्यमातून आपलं वर्चस्व गाजवण्यासाठी झटतंय. अर्थात यामध्ये कुठही या ज्योतीला किंवा ऑलिम्पिकच्या परंपरेला मात्र धक्का पोहोचणार नाही ना याची काळजीही घ्यायला हवी.पण ऑलिम्पिकच्या राजकीय पटावर दोन्ही बाजूंना होणा-या या हालचालींचे परिणाम नेहमीप्रमाणे सर्वसामन्यांनाच भोगावे लागतायत. भारतही त्याला अपवाद नाही. दिल्लीत होणा-या टॉर्च रिलेमध्ये अनेक खेळाडू आणि सेलिब्रिटीज सहभागी होतील. पण सुरक्षेच्या कारणांमुळं सर्वसामान्यांना ज्योतीपासून लांबच ठेवण्यात येणार आहे. म्हणजे शेवटी लोकांना एकत्र आणणारी ही ज्योत लोकांपासूनच दुरावणार, नाही का? याचाही विचार व्हायलाच हवा.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
ऑलिम्पिकच्या निमित्ताने...
ऑलिम्पिक आता अवघ्या चार महिन्यांवर येऊन ठेपलंय. खेळांचा हा सर्वात मोठा सोहळा जसजसा जवळ येतोय, तसतशी त्याबद्दलची उत्सुकता आणखी वाढत जातेय. आणि या वेळचं ऑलिम्पिक तर अगदी खास असणार आहे. कारण या खेळांचं यजमानपद आहे चीनची राजधानी बीजिंगकडे.
एरवी चीन म्हटलं की एक वेगळंच जग नजरेसमोर येतं. गूढ, रम्य जग, धुक्यात हरवलेलं- ओळखीचं तरिही पूर्णपणे अनोळखी... सगळ्या जगावर वचक निर्माण करण्याच्या तयारीत असलेला आणि त्यासाठी काहीही करण्याची तयारी असलेला देश, अशीच काहीशी चीनची प्रतिमा आहे. वर्षानुवर्ष हा देश जगापासून काहीसा तुटल्यासारखाच रहात आलाय. आधी त्या जगप्रसिद्ध भिंतीनं आणि मग साम्यवादाच्या लोखंडी पडद्यानं चीनला जगापासून दूर ठेवलं. त्यामुळं बाकीच्या जगात, चीनविषयी उत्सुकतेपेक्षाही संशयकल्लोळच जास्त आहे.
पण असं प्रवाहापासून वेगळं राहणा-या ह्या देशालाही आता मुख्य प्रवाहात सामील होण्याचं आणि खासकरून पाश्चिमात्य देशांशी मैत्री करण्याचं महत्त्व समजू लागलंय. म्हणूनच गेल्या काही वर्षांत इथली बाजारपेठ खुली होऊ लागली.
अर्थात आजही आपलं वेगळेपण आणि वाढतं महत्त्व दाखवण्याची एकही संधी चीनी सरकार सोडताना दिसत नाही. ऑलिम्पिकचा त्याला अपवाद कसा असेल? या खेळांचं आयोजन करण्यासाठी बीजिंग शहरात मोठे फेरबदल करण्यात आलेयत. स्टेडियम्स आणि स्पोर्टस् सेंटर्सशिवाय अनेक नव्या इमारती बांधून तयार आहेत. काहींचं काम अजूनही सुरूय. ऑलिम्पिकच्या निमित्तानं जगभरातले लोक चीनमध्ये येणार आहेत. पण चीनमध्ये सगळा कारभार मँडेरियनमधनं चालतो. त्यामुळं पाहुण्यांची गैरसोय होऊ नये म्हणून हजारो लोकांना इंग्लिश बोलण्याचं प्रशिक्षण देण्यात आलंय. हॉटेल्समध्येही कॅन्टिनेन्टल फूड तयार करण्यावर भर दिला जातोय. बीजिंगच्या आकाशात एरवी दिसणारे प्रदूषणाचे ढग दूर करण्यासाठीही खास उपाय राबवले जात आहेत.
एकूणच ऑलिम्पिकच्या रुपानं चीनचं अत्याधुनिक आणि प्रगत रुपडं जगासमोर आणण्याचा इथल्या सरकारचा इरादाय. असं रूप की ज्याची कोणी कल्पनाही केलेली नसेल. अर्थात चीनचं हे रुप म्हणजे चेहे-यापेक्षाही मुखवटाच आहे असं म्हणण्यास हरकत नाही.
चीनच्या आर्थिक प्रगतीचा आलेख आलेख कुणालाही थक्क करणारा आहे. पण त्या प्रगतीच्या आड दडलाय एक वेगळाच देश. आपल्य योजना राबवताना चीन सरकारनं वेळोवेळी मानवी हक्कांचं उल्लंघन केल्याचं उघड झालंय. तिबेटमध्ये तर गेली सहा दशकं दडपशाही सुरू आहे. येन केन प्रकारेण तिबेटवरची आपली मालकी सिद्ध करण्यासाठी चीन सरकारचे प्रयत्न सुरू असतात. आणि केवळ एवढ्याचसाठी चीननं ऑलिम्पिक ज्योत एव्हरेस्टवर नेण्याचा घाट घातलाय.
अर्थात ऑलिम्पिकचा वापर करण्यात तिबेटही मागे नाही. आपल्याला स्वतंत्र राष्ट्र म्हणून मान्यता मिळावी, आपल्या संस्कृतीचं रक्षण व्हावं यासाठी तिबेटी नागरिकांचा संघर्ष सुरू आहे. आता ऑलिम्पिकच्या निमित्तानं आपल्या प्रश्नांकडे जगाचं लक्ष वेधून घेण्याची मोठी संधीच त्यांना मिळाली आहे. म्हणूनच तर ऑलिम्पिक ज्योतीच्या प्रवासात अडथळे आणण्यासही ते मागेपुढे पाहात नाहीत. तर असा कोणताही विरोध मोडून काढण्यासाठी चीनचं सरकारही कोणत्याही थराला जाऊ शकतं. म्हणूनच ज्योतीचा शांततामय प्रवास सध्या चांगलाच पेटलाय. आणि खेळ जसजसे जवळ येत जातील तसा हा विरोधही वाढत जाईल यात शंका नाही.
चीनबाबत आंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदायाची आणखी एक तक्रार आहे ती इथं प्रसारमाध्यमांवर, विशेषतः इतर देशांतील पत्रकारांवर असलेल्या बंधनांबाबत. ऑलिम्पिक कव्हर करणा-या परदेशी माध्यमांवर कोणताही दबाव आणला जाणार नाही असं आश्वासन तर चीन सरकारनं दिलंय. पण चीनच्या इतर गोष्टींप्रमाणेच या आश्वासनांवरही किती विश्वास ठेवावा असा प्रश्न जगभरातील माध्यमांमधून विचारला जातोय. बाकी काही असो, ऑलिम्पिकच्या निमित्तानं चीनचे दरवाजे खुले होणार आहेत. त्याचा फायदा प्रसारमाध्यमांना आणि चीनी नागरिकांनाही होऊ शकतो. आता ऑलिम्पिकचं आयोजन ही चीनसाठी आणि पर्यायानं जगासाठीही एक नवी सुरूवात ठरणार का हे लवकरच कळेल. फक्त चारच महिने वाट पहा...
- जान्हवी मुळे
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Happy April Fools Day
I'm always scared of first day of April! yeah, who likes to be a fool? certainly, I don't. So I'm a bit conscious and all till it's 2nd April.
I think I can never plant a trick on anyone, but then I realise, in my job at a TV Channel, I'm sometimes fooling the world, and well, almost everytime I fool myself... So, I feel like wishing on this day- Happy April Fool's Day!! :D
Monday, March 24, 2008
Olympic Torch Begins its journey
Yes, The Torch is on her way to Athens, and then to Beijing- the host city of this years Olympics Games.
The Torch was lit, in a traditional manner using Sunrays, amidst the relices of ancient Olympia and then was handed over to the runner. But as expected, this ceremony was not without any protest.
However, the Torch may have to face even tougher situations. I just hope nobody will affront this journey of harmony.
The Flame will take its first stop at , ofcourse, Athens and then it'll be taken to Beijing. then the relay wil start. By the time I publish this Blog, Olympic Torch will have crossed a few miles more. I'm waiting for it to arrive in India....
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
F1 Season Starts
The Action begins again! The 2008 Formula One season is starting... The Stage is all set for it...
who'll win? will it be the Ferraris, or the Mc-Larens or will it be Renaults? Who'll be the Champion- Raikonnen, Alonso or Hamilton?
or would we be having another surprise winner?
But Most importantly, what will Force India do? All Eyes are on the First ever F1 team from India. All the Best Force India!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
India wins over Australia
Oh, One more moment of pride for Indian Cricket. We've beaten Australia in their homeland. and I'm out of words, used them all for today's bulletines.. I need some rest now.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
India lifts under19 cup
Oh what a special time for Indian Cricket! Months ago, we won the T20 World Cup and this time we have the Under Ninetin World Cup...!!!!
Time To Celebrate, but also to think again. it's a fact that our youngesters do very well at U19 levels, but they can't keep it on to the senior leve. let's hope this new generation will break this jinx! Congrats, Young Team India!
Time To Celebrate, but also to think again. it's a fact that our youngesters do very well at U19 levels, but they can't keep it on to the senior leve. let's hope this new generation will break this jinx! Congrats, Young Team India!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Who is Roger Federer?

Who is Roger Federer? Once again this question thumped upon me.
Like every time, I felt angry and humiliated. Then I felt miserable. I remembered all those times when people crossed me with this question. (And I laughed coz whenever anyone asks me "Who's this Roger Federer?", my brother gets a reason to tease me- “See, nobody knows your Federer, he he he “. He’d surely be happy to know that somebody has asked me that question again.)
But today, to be frank, this question made me think- who is Roger Federer?

Records will tell you that this guy holds a lot of them. Stats will tell you that he has grabbed 12 Grand Slam Titles which includes 5 consecutive Wimbledons and 4 successive US Opens and that he’s just two of Pete Sampras’ all time record of 14.
Experts will praise his all-court game and his ability to produce shots from nowhere. Critics will speak on why he has not yet won the French Open even after reaching the Final twice.

One can not resist appreciating his elegance on the court and off of it, his grace with which he accepts the things- he’s crying a tear of joy when he wins and he’s plain and unmoved when he’s defeated. Such is his charm that even his acrh-rivals admire him. (Oh! that famous quote by Andy Roddick, "Roger, I'd have loved to hate you, but I can't" ) Not just that he has admirers in the world outside Tennis -from Rahul Dravid to Tiger Woods.
To the World, he’s an athlete with paramount capabilities. To Sports maniac, he’s a tennis player- one of the finest the game has ever produced. To Tennis fraternity, he’s their numero uno, a milestone that everyone seeks to surpass. To his Fans, Tennis is Roger and Roger means Tennis and I am a big Fan of him.
But really for me, Who Is ROGER FEDERER???
He’s my ultimate inspiration. Somebody whose manners and story made me realize that anger should be controlled. As a child he used to throw the racket around when he lost a game. But then he realized that he should use extra bit of energy on his game instead of spending it on smashing the racket. And knowing this has helped me overcome my short-temperedness.
I still remember how I was stunned to see his game for the first time- he was not running behind the ball, he was simply floating at it- that was way back in 2001 when he outclassed Sampras in the Wimbledon- the only official clash between the two. That match marked the end of an era and beginning of the other. And that day this little boy from Switzerland had the game that bowled me over. And since then his consistency and dedication always motivated me to do better. There’s a lot that I’ve learned from him and a lot is yet to be learned.
Still I may never know who is Roger Federer? But may be the children in Africa and Tsunami torned Tamil Nadu know it better than me.
He is different, way ahead from the rest, in whatever he does. He plays without a coach. His love of life, Mirka- a former Tennis player, acts as his manager. His Family never tries to seek attention, something that is uncommon to other Star Players, mostly Footballers. Really, Federer has a persona that no western Star Sportsman has. (The only example, I feel, that goes closer to his is Rahul Dravid)
I understand not everyone knows about him but he really is someone that everyone must know about. Not because he’s at the pinnacle of the Sports world, but because he’s ruling over it like noone else has done before in any other sport. On the Court he is a true champion with the game that will match only to divine and away from it, he is a true human being. Emperor without conceit, Aggression without arrogance, that is Roger Federer. He is him and he is like nobody else...

Friday, February 22, 2008
Pakistan has been witnessing a lot of things since few months- a lot is happening in political and social corridors of Islamabad. And recent Elections reflect this trend.
No Party has got clear majority. The PML(Q) that backs President Musharraf was trounced in parliamentary elections. However, Musharraf said he intends to remain in office and work with the new government. The Question is, will the government be formed at all?
I just got this update- Asif Zardari have joined hands with Nawaz Sharif to form the government. So there is a hope for change.
But it'll be the fact, the New Government in Pakistan, if it really comes into existence, won’t be powerful enough to remove President Pervez Musharraf.
Oh God! My thoughts are running so fast and it's all messed up in my brain.... I think I need to keep away from computer for some time....
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Indian "Premium" League
It's very very late in the night, more than half past 12. I just got home after a very busy day-
The Players Auction of IPL. Great auction, it was. It’s something that has changed the game’s economy forever. Now I won’t be surprised, if players would prefer playing in Twenty-20 leagues like IPL and earn a premium of life-time instead of playing for their national side.
Never felt that speaking of crores of Rs. will be so boring! It was not just boring but meaningless. No I'm not saying this out of frustration. But I really don't see any good in it- barring the fact that Cricketrs will also get a chance to make money.
As for the teams and players sold and bought, everyone has said a lot today, and everyone will say a lot in coming days. So, I’ll stop here and get a nice Sleep… Good Night, World!
The Players Auction of IPL. Great auction, it was. It’s something that has changed the game’s economy forever. Now I won’t be surprised, if players would prefer playing in Twenty-20 leagues like IPL and earn a premium of life-time instead of playing for their national side.
Never felt that speaking of crores of Rs. will be so boring! It was not just boring but meaningless. No I'm not saying this out of frustration. But I really don't see any good in it- barring the fact that Cricketrs will also get a chance to make money.
As for the teams and players sold and bought, everyone has said a lot today, and everyone will say a lot in coming days. So, I’ll stop here and get a nice Sleep… Good Night, World!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Pak Elections
The Results are out in Pakistan and as it was anticipated, nobody has a clear majority. But it's clear that people have rejected Musharraf's regim. The pro- Musharraf Pakistan Muslim League has got a severe beating in the polls.
The Pakistan People's Party under leadership of Asif Ali Zardari, late. Benazir Bhutto's widower, had not reaped a mass sympathy vote, as it was espected. On the other Hand, Former Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff's Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) produced a surprise result. And small parties have got small sections. So, Nobody has got a chance to make the Government.
Now this has raised a whole new bunch of questions. Will the President step down? will a coillition come into existance? and will the coillition really last long? will Pakistan have a new Government? will that Government be able to solve the problems of inflation, power cuts and food shortages?
We'll see this in coming times. But markets in Pakistan are showing optimism since the results came, with a rise of more than three percent, as it's reported.
We'll see this in coming times. But markets in Pakistan are showing optimism since the results came, with a rise of more than three percent, as it's reported.
Next few days are going to be very crucial.From what it seems, there is one possibility. PPP Leader Asif Zardari might join hands with Shariff's PML(N) .
There's another thing- the results in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) are quite interesting. Here, a secular ethnic Pashtun nationalist party has, beaten Islamist parties. The area is known to be conservative.
But in light of these results, there is a basic thing one needs to keep in mind- only around 40 % . In many areas like NWFP, women were banned from voting. But still, 40% is not bad to start with, for a country deprived of Democracy for past nine years, and many more before that.
India Reacts to Kosovo Freedom
I was waiting for India's official reaction to the Kosovo problem. and it's not differen than what I had anticipated, if it came.
Just check this link:
India has always supported a solution through bilateral talks let it be any problem from any part of the world. As a Free Nation and Republic Democracy, India has always respected territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries.
So wheneveer there is any dispute between two countries or between a country and it's subsidiary, India must treat it as an internal problem between the two bodies- a problem that must be resolved through consultation and dialogue. So, India is not agreeing the way Kosovo has tried to be Sovereign.
That sums up India’s reaction to Kosovo’s declaration of Freedom.
* It was a very long day- the IPL auction, and I must stop here.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Laureus Sports Awards 2008
Just got this news,
Roger Federer and Justin Henin are the Laureaus Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year...
Waw! both prizes went to Tennis this time!!
Federer had captured his fifth straight Wimbledon title last season to equal Bjorn Borg's record. He just finished fourth successive year at number one. I liked what he said after recieving the Prestigeous Award for a record fourth time- "I am thankful the jury didn't think three was enough" So sweet! :D
Henin had a very tough last season. She skipped the 2007 Australian Open after splitting with her husband. Despite that, she won 10 titles in the season and became only women to do it after Martina Hingis.
Besides, Louis Hamilton, the rookie Formula One driver, who finished second in the F1 drivers' standings, won the World Breakthrough of the Year award.
British marathon runner Paula Radcliffe, who won the New York Marathon after two years away from competition following childbirth, got the World Comeback of the Year award.
South Africa's rugby team won the World Team of the Year award after going unbeaten to win the 2007 Rugby World Cup.
Montreal lawyer Dick Pound, the Head of the World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA) since last eight years was given the Spirit of Sport Award.
The winners were selected by members of the Laureus Sports Academy.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Kosovo declares Sovereignty
A few days back I said that it’s small states that create big troubles. Well, there’s another such incidence coming up. Once again Balkan states are at the center of attention.
Kosovo, The autonomous province of Serbia, has declared it's sovereignt. The statement came late in the night on 17th Feb, i.e. on 18th according to Indian Time.
To be frank, it doesn’t matter much to me personally If Kosovo really becomes a state. Every people have a right to self decision. But what concerns me is the way they got their Freedom. (well, they've not yet got official recognition from UN. Even European Communities are divided over it.)
The UN guided negotiations about Kosovo problem had failed and so, the territory declare Independence with support from the US and other big states of Europe. something that might send wrong signals. One can not forget the fact that Pakistan has provided its hand to Kosovo to get recognization. There are many divisive forces in India, and they might get a boost. I'm really waiting for India's official reaction to this.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Kosovo to declare Independence
When in 2006, Montenegro Seceded from Serbia, it was supposed to be the final state to break away from the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. But now it might be proved wrong. I just read the news that Kosovo is about to declare independence anytime soon. The UN administered territory is all set to secede from Serbia.
I wonder how the World especially EU and UN will react to this. I’m not sure if Kosovo’s sovereignty will get recognition from all of the international community. Serbia will not accept it- that’s I’m damn sure. The Serbs consider Kosovo as the birth-place of their civilization.
Kosovo has been a part of Serbia since a long time. But in the last decade it came into light because of the ethnic conflict between Serbs and Albanians. The territory has seen genocide under the rule of Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic had imposed areal attacks on Kosovo and NATO forces came to the rescue. After his rule came to an end, the Territory is under control from UN administered Forces. The Albanians had been demanding a separate state of their own. And now, as the UN sponsored negotiations have failed to reach any conclusion, Kosovo is going to declare unilateral Independence.
I wonder how the World especially EU and UN will react to this. I’m not sure if Kosovo’s sovereignty will get recognition from all of the international community. Serbia will not accept it- that’s I’m damn sure. The Serbs consider Kosovo as the birth-place of their civilization.
Kosovo has been a part of Serbia since a long time. But in the last decade it came into light because of the ethnic conflict between Serbs and Albanians. The territory has seen genocide under the rule of Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic had imposed areal attacks on Kosovo and NATO forces came to the rescue. After his rule came to an end, the Territory is under control from UN administered Forces. The Albanians had been demanding a separate state of their own. And now, as the UN sponsored negotiations have failed to reach any conclusion, Kosovo is going to declare unilateral Independence.
Obviously, Serbia would never accept it. So will Russia, who has always supported the Serbs. Even, China would not recognize Kosovo’s Sovereignty, because of their specific interests. China has claimed Taiwan- the tiny neighbouring to be a part of Chinese Territory. But Taiwan has declared its independence and Chinese support to Kosovo will eventually take the power away from their claim on Taiwan. And I doubt if India will pay any attention to it?
Friday, February 15, 2008
Seles Retires
Monica Seles has announced her retirement today, and with it, comes to an official end of another era. Seles had a fabulous carrier turned into pieces by a knife that was pierced in her back in 1993. She was a victim of her own popularity.
Seles was a champion in women’s tennis who climbed the ranks very early in her carrier. From a young Tennis Player from former SFR Yougoslavia (in today’s Serbia), she rose to challenge the big names of the game and dominated the game in 1991 and 1992. She won her first Grand Slam title– French open at the age of 16 and became the youngest player to win the tournament. And went on to win 7 more till 1993.
Such was her rivalry with Steffi Graf that she overtook Steffi in 1993. Bewildered by the thought that Steffi had lost her top spot a mad fan of her stabbed Seles in her back during a Match in Hamburg. The incidence left the Tennis World stunned and Seles didn’t return to the circuit for more than two years. And after she did return, she couldn’t gain her top ranking again.
Tennis doesn’t consider, what- if- buts. Still People argue what would have happened if that incident had not happened. To me, as far as I had seen Seles play, her game was not changed after 1993. It was more or less the same. What was changed was Steffi. She had overcome all her personal trauma and dominated the Game again.
Still, Seles’ legacy can not be forgotten. Although she naturalized as an American Citizen, Seles has inspired a whole generation in her homeland. Today’s Women’s World no. 2 Ana Ivanovic took the racket after watching Seles on TV.
Not just Ana, but Jelena Jankovic, Novak Djokovic and a bunch of Serbian Players are all successors of her. She was often criticized for her grunts on the court, something which she started and a lot of Gen-next followed with increased decibels. She was a girl with a high ambition and was ready to give everything for it. She set her own standards and never agreed on anything bellow it.
Seles was a champion in women’s tennis who climbed the ranks very early in her carrier. From a young Tennis Player from former SFR Yougoslavia (in today’s Serbia), she rose to challenge the big names of the game and dominated the game in 1991 and 1992. She won her first Grand Slam title– French open at the age of 16 and became the youngest player to win the tournament. And went on to win 7 more till 1993.
Such was her rivalry with Steffi Graf that she overtook Steffi in 1993. Bewildered by the thought that Steffi had lost her top spot a mad fan of her stabbed Seles in her back during a Match in Hamburg. The incidence left the Tennis World stunned and Seles didn’t return to the circuit for more than two years. And after she did return, she couldn’t gain her top ranking again.
Tennis doesn’t consider, what- if- buts. Still People argue what would have happened if that incident had not happened. To me, as far as I had seen Seles play, her game was not changed after 1993. It was more or less the same. What was changed was Steffi. She had overcome all her personal trauma and dominated the Game again.
Still, Seles’ legacy can not be forgotten. Although she naturalized as an American Citizen, Seles has inspired a whole generation in her homeland. Today’s Women’s World no. 2 Ana Ivanovic took the racket after watching Seles on TV.
Not just Ana, but Jelena Jankovic, Novak Djokovic and a bunch of Serbian Players are all successors of her. She was often criticized for her grunts on the court, something which she started and a lot of Gen-next followed with increased decibels. She was a girl with a high ambition and was ready to give everything for it. She set her own standards and never agreed on anything bellow it.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Emergency in Timor
East Timor is facing Emergency situation after rebel soldiers critically wounded the Nobel Peace Prize-winning president and fired at the prime minister's convoy. Armored U.N. vehicles are quickly on work in the tiny Indian Ocean State.
It's a tiny state in South East asia, to be precise near Indonesia. If I'm not wrong, it's the first independent state of the new millenium. Timor is a very tiny state. But it's relatively important in the region. because, Timor is one of the only two Roman Catholic states in the region- Phillipines being the other. The recent things going on in this state are a proof of the fact that a religious state has an unstable future- let it be Israel (Religion- Jew) Palestine and other Arab Nations (Religion Islam), Nepal (of two years back- now it's not a Hindu state) or let it Timor. (To me, this shows, Religion is a sentiment and business of Government can not smoothly on sentiments. )
I won't be surprised if we come to know that Indonesia might have a hand in ared rebel in Timor. And I'm not surprised to see how little attention India has given to these happenings.
I believe small states and their small problems are always not attended until they get bigger. There is always a plenty of discussions on US, West, Afghanistan, iran et el.... But it's always small pieces of land that can shatter the world order. Remember? Two World Wars started over the small pieces of land. And I don't want another one.
I really feel sory when I see people not taking the inciedences in such states seriously. Look at Myanmar (Burma) it's in trouble for many years now. but not much of attention is paid to the proble of people over there. and I really regret over the fact coz, Even Indian leaders are not so willing to take any initiative.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
फेडरर नाबाद २०९
शिखरावर पोहोचणं सोपं असतं, तिथं टिकून राहणं मात्र कठीण असतं. उंचावरचे वारे सगळ्यांनाच सोसवत नाहीत. पण रॉजर फेडररची गोष्टच निराळी. टेनिसमधल्या सर्वोच्च शिखरावर तो नुसता पोहोचलाच नाही तर तब्बल २०९ आठवडे तिथं फक्त त्याचंच वास्तव्य आहे. 2 फेब्रुवारी 2004 रोजी फेडररनं टेनिसच्या जागतिक क्रमवारीत अव्वल स्थान मिळवलं आणि तेव्हापासून ते फक्त त्याचंच आहे. विशेष म्हणजे सलग चार वर्ष नंबर वन असूनही त्याच्यातली विनम्रता जराही कमी झालेली नाही.
चार वर्षांच्या काळात टेनिसविश्वातले अनेक विक्रम मोडीत निघाले. अनेकदा इतिहास नव्यानं रचला गेला. आणि काही थोडे अपवाद वगळता तो इतिहास लिहीणारा फेडररच होता. त्याचा कट्टर प्रतिस्पर्धी राफेल नदाल सोडला तर इतर कोणीही फेडररवर वरचढ ठरला नाही. नदालनंही केवळ क्ले कोर्टवरच फेडररला रोखून धरलंय. एक फ्रेन्च ओपन आणि दुसरं ऑलिम्पिक सुवर्णपदक यांचा अपवाद वगळला तर बाकी सगळ्या मोठ्या स्पर्धांवर फेडररनं ताबा मिळवला. आणि यंदा या दोन्ही स्पर्धा जिंकायचाच त्याचा इरादा आहे.
मात्र फेडररसाठी या पुढचं आव्हान सोपं नाही. याची जाणीव गेल्या वर्षीच्या यू एस ओपनमध्येच झाली होती. स्पर्धेचं जेतेपद अर्थातच फेडररनं मिळवलं पण अंतिम फेरीच्या सामन्यात सर्बियन सुपरस्टार नोवाक ज्योकोविचनं त्याला चांगलंच सतावलं होतं. त्या पराभवाची परतफेड ज्योकोविचनं यंदाच्या ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपनच्या सेमीफायनलमध्ये केली. आणि गेल्या चार वर्षात फेडररवर एकापेक्षा जास्त वेळा विजय मिळवणारा तो केवळ चैथा खेळाडू ठरलाय. (फेब्रुवारी 2004 नंतर नोवॅक ज्योकोविच आणि गियेर्मो कनास यांनी प्रत्येकी दोनदा, डेव्हिड नॅलबॅन्डियननं तीनवेळा तर राफेल नदालनं आठ वेळा फेडररला पराभूत केलंय.)
खरंतर ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपनमध्ये खेळण्याआधी फेडररला व्हायरल इन्फेक्शनचा त्रास जाणवत होता. अवघ्या दोन-तीन दिवसांत त्याचं वजनही तीन किलोनं कमी झालं. त्यामुळं त्यानं कुयाँग क्लासिक स्पर्धेतनं माघार घेतली. कोणत्याही सरावाशिवाय ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपनमध्ये खेळताना आजारातून उठलेल्या फेडररचा खेळ बराच मंदावल्यासारखा वाटला. फेडररला हरवता येऊ शकतं अशी कुजबूज मेलबर्न पार्कवर सुरू झाली आणि ज्योकोविचनं ती प्रत्यक्षात आणली. चार वर्षांत पहिल्यांदाच फेडररच्या अव्वल स्थानाला धोका निर्माण झालाय.
तरीही तो मेलबर्नमध्ये सेमीफायनलपर्यंत पोहोचू शकला याचं कारण एकच – तो रॉजर फेडरर आहे. टेनिसच्या सर्वोच्च शिखरावर तो सध्या राज्य करतोय. अव्वल स्थानावर टिकून राहण्याचा मंत्र त्याला अगदी पुरेपुर माहीत आहे आणि हा मंत्र आहे मेहनत, मेहनत आणि अखंड मेहनत....
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hi! After a long time again!
I had promised myself to write here more often. But like most other New Year Resolutions, this one is not yet followed completely.My computer is down with Virus.
The Only option I have is use Office Computer, which I don't think ethical.. So I'm not sure if I'd be able to blog for a few days more. hope to be here soon..
The Only option I have is use Office Computer, which I don't think ethical.. So I'm not sure if I'd be able to blog for a few days more. hope to be here soon..
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!
It's been a year since I promised myself so may things, like everyone does it... And as the Year 2007 came to an End, I'm glad to have fulfilled them all (except only one, which in the coming year I will).
Oh! What a year it had been! So many things have happened, in my world, it’s a totally different me at the end of this year. Yet I’m quite the same one- a curious little girl in search of meaning of her life. I’m still to find it but I believe I’ll soon find it- my ultimate aim of life.
Oh! What a year it had been! So many things have happened, in my world, it’s a totally different me at the end of this year. Yet I’m quite the same one- a curious little girl in search of meaning of her life. I’m still to find it but I believe I’ll soon find it- my ultimate aim of life.
I know it’s going to be a long tiresome journey and I’m aware I may not get there where I want to, but I’ll try because I have to… and I will, because I must. However tiresome it may be but it’s a beautiful journey, we call it life. And for us all, every year is a fresh start to a new journey… Let this year everyone will reach where they ought to.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2008!
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